Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

For Sale: One Creide to Highest Bidder

Saturday, November 12, 2005

I am still not quite sure what made me sign up for the big city-wide auction. Right, that is sort of a lie... I know exactly why I did it. Anyway, what is done is done and now all I have left to do is wait. Already picked out my outfit and everything. Not that I need to get into that either... So, on Dec. 3, I will take my place on the auction block, going to the highest bidder for a full week. Shouldn't be too bad. Will probably get to meet some new vamps and all that. Also hoping I fetch a fairly decent price, since I get half of it. :P No clue who in the world will bid, or more importantly win-- but I am very curious as to what I will wind up doing. At least I feel pretty secure with the knowledge that nobody out there has a vendetta against me that would make them buy me and torture me for a week. *lol* Er, I don't think so at least. Not that torture is always a bad thing...

Speaking of meeting new vamps, I met a ton last night. Not that I remember even half. Wild party, jello pool and all. Could've smacked a certain evil vamp for throwing me in (cold and slimey!) but he got pushed in too, which made it all better. >:) Eventually everybody that was still there wound up in it, so you can just imagine the mess. Maybe the old "messy is fun" thing actually does carry a speck of truth. Who knows? Too hungover to think too hard on it. Will say that I've thought about adding something about my dancing skillz to my auction description... but I won't.

Moving along, things are really hopping on the home front. Influx of new faces which means that my workload is heavier than ever. (Damn, I needed that party last night.) Relaxation is key at the moment. Mainly... because I sort of got myself worked into a tizzy yesterday. Sat there and went over ALL my TG paperwork-- and realized there is an emerging problem. One that bothers me a great deal because of the time and effort I have put into my work-- sifting and sorting through the countless vamps that come to our doors, organizing my system, coming up with ways to keep the trainees entertained and all. As a result I am shifting my focus a bit, putting a somewhat improved strategy into play. The trainees might not like it, but they will be all the better for it.

Ah yes, I have a new pet. His name is Nyoko but I am not sure he likes it, so it might be changed soon. It literally means "snake" which I fear is rather degrading since he is obviously far more than that. We are slowly bonding but it is a true challenge to read his reptilian mind. Nyoko is quite intelligent, possibly on par with a human, yet his telepathy is... off somehow. He forms very few words, using more sensations and emotions. He also seems a bit wary of CBK (it just might be mutual) but I know they will get along wonderfully in time. According to the pet care manual, a little patience and a firm hand will pay off in the end and result in a well-adjusted, useful and quite possibly affectionate pet. I have to admit that I am already quite fond of him, even if he does not have any venom.

What else can I say? A few things, I'm sure... but methinks I'll give it a rest. Thinking makes my head hurt too much and as always some things must be left locked away in my mind. Ooh, scary thought, scary place...
posted by Creide at 5:17 PM

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