Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death


Monday, November 14, 2005

Unlife is chaos. Yet... it is an intricately patterned chaos. Which makes it a contradiction. Which... almost makes sense. In other thoughts-- it is amazing how sometimes the things we long for, the things we seek out... turn to be the very thing we least want or need. Then honor prevails and we swim against the tide, determined to prove ourselves equal to the task at hand. This has been your philosophical C moment.

Have a variety of things on my mind just now. Other vamps mainly. The past few days have really been something. From meeting new ones (and them coming along to the auction site), to logging in to find a message from someone I barely knew was still unlive, to having a quick chat with an old buddy from my Ambassador days, it seems a wonderful time for getting in touch and all that. Plus two vamps close to my heart have finally settled their differences. I tell ya, it must be a vamp holiday season or something. Kodak moment all around! *lol*

Yes, yes, I am silly. Not that I care. Somebody has to have a spot o' fun in this city. ;) Think it springs from this odd mood I have been in of late. Those that know me best know I can be rather... multi-faceted even horribly contradictory at times-- and this is one of those times. I have my fangs sunk into so many tasks that it makes no sense and I am all kind of stressed. Yet I find myself filled with this strange, almost euphoric feeling. For the first time in a while-- and this may sound funny-- I feel truly at home in my own skin.

Hard to explain really. I have battled a few demons, personal and otherwise. I have won some and lost some. My changes have been both internal and external. Yet when all is said and done, I am doing just fine. Unlife will never be perfect; there will always be a couple of things I want to change or long for, but I am one pretty lucky vamp. Lucky in love, lucky in family, lucky in general. Who ever thought an evil vamp could feel so good about... good things?!

Ah, before I forget... if any one out there are a bit curious about what I look like and will be wearing for the big auction go join the group and look me up in the Description database. :D CBK is in there too. *checking out other entries, wide-eyed* Wow... interesting tidbits in there really. (Hm, also interesting to note that I too can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. Yes, I really can. Just another one of those skillz.) Riiiight, so if you think you might like to have your very own personal C-slave for a week, hit the page for more info. Though I can tell you that the female slaves will be auctioned on Dec. 3 at 11pm. ;) http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/RavenBlack_TheAuction

On a final note... I would like to thank those of you that do pop by and read my pointless ramblings. Bless your dark li'l hearts! Seriously, I have no clue how you can stand it. *lol* Which is why it sort of blows me away when someone unexpectedly mentions my little corner of the city. So please do feel free to post comments, hit the tag-board, or give me a buzz.

OOC tidbit: The title is in quotes... because it is a quote. Yes. Brilliant, I know. Comes from an episode of Naruto. Er, the orignal fan-subbed version, not the dubbed thing that I cannot bring myself to watch. Not like I need to when I have every ep on CD and/or DVD already. *snickers and goes off to order some udon*
posted by Creide at 4:32 PM

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