Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Walking in Shadows

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sometimes it is almost like waking in a dream, a strange one where I cannot see my way in the darkness. A chill ghost mist floats by, mingling with the pale cobwebs that seem to grow in the corners of my mind. For a time I think that I can see... then in the end I realize that I was blindfolded all along, seeing only a dim sliver of the world through starlit vapors, twisting illusions in the wind. Illuminated at last I stand in confusion, not knowing black from white or right from wrong; simply knowing that all lies in shadows.
posted by Creide at 7:15 PM

this coming from a Pancake Mix Addict... *lol* 'sides, i'm not on any at all now. :P simply... enduring the pain. *dramatic sigh*
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