Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Anxiously Awaiting Word...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

There are many vampires in this city, some with rather interesting stories to tell. Others are less interesting, simply wandering aimlessly with little more than a name and no recollection of the past. At times I wish I were one of those.

The past couple of days have been a little stressful for me. It is not a city matter or even a clan one, but something far more personal that troubles my thoughts. Pride, I have been told, is one of my greatest downfalls... and I have had to swallow some of it and seek help from an unlikely source. It is a difficult task to explain without divulging too much information. So for those not familiar with my pre-city unlife I will say simply that almost from the time I became a vampire I lived under the guardianship of a rather... unusual vampire named Audric. He taught me most of what I know about fighting and weaponry, as well as many of the more aesthetic parts of my new species. I loved him as a father which is why we lost contact following his decision to abandon me, essentially dumping me off on the edge of the city as a human might dump unwanted kittens.

I have never been one to stay where unwanted, or force myself or my company on someone-- to date he has made no effort to renew contact, so I have kept my distance and my silence. Until recently, at least. Then I realized that some things matter far more than my pride. So I penned a missive, making no attempt to curry his favor or project tender thoughts. It began simply enough, then moved into the issue at hand as you will see in this excerpt.

Monsieur Audric,
It has been almost three years since last we spoke, yet at times I feel almost as if you are still near. Yet you have not contacted me, as I once hoped you would. For a time I foolishly imagined that you would come and rescue me from the hell to which you sentenced me. Even now I wonder if your final words to me were true, or if they were simply said to absolve you of the guilt of your betrayal, ease the moment of parting. Either way, I am not writing to fill this page or your thoughts with warmth and sweet remembrances. As has always been our way, or at least my way with you, I will be concise and move straight to the heart and marrow of the matter. There is information I have need of and I know that you possess it.

Not the most polite way to open a letter or ask for help, but then being a true lady means possessing a talent for conveying everything from disdain to sheer hatred using the most delicate or mellifluous words. He can hardly fault me for taking his own lessons to heart. Audric will grasp the full meaning of my words, I know. Yet I little think they will weigh in his decision. Audric will answer me or not, dependent on his whim or perhaps whatever feeling he still harbors for me. So now all I can do is await his answer-- if one does indeed come-- and hope for the best as he may be the only vampire able to help me.
posted by Creide at 11:41 AM

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