Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Congrats J!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Yes, yes... as was promised I am posting this for all to see. I proclaim this day that Jonathan, the human behind O, has successfully completed yet another of my challenges. I am proud of him because I know it has been a struggle-- and I can only hope that he views this as a triumph of man over material. Or something like that. After all, three months is a long time to go without when one has an addiction. *lol*

From September 1 to December 1 he did not buy a single CD. Which-- believe me-- is a major victory. Hell, it's worth getting out the pompoms. *perfect mini-cheer*

On a serious note: Just like Pancake Mix Addiction to vamps... CD Over-Collection, or CDOC, is a serious problem. By refraining from this dirty habit for three entire months, he has made a great stride toward recovery... So if you or someone you know is an obsessed victim of CDOC, please-- get them help. Or challenge them to go without.
posted by Creide at 8:27 PM

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