Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Just Some OOC Yappity-Yapping

Friday, December 16, 2005

Yeah, it's that time again. Will start by saying that should my vamp be... ah, unkind or unpleasant to anyone in the near future-- it is all her. She has a lot going on right now and I sort of feel for anybody that rubs her the wrong way, but such is unlife. This human, on the other hand, is feeling pretty damn good. I mean, really and truly. Scaring myself I'm so high of late. Now that classes are finally over and done with I can relax a bit. Which means I have way too much free time on my hands.

So, I'm having fun with it... which means pounding out C stories. :D Have a list of her traits and issues to pull in, missing time periods to explain away, things of that nature. Doing a fair bit with Audric lately, but have been neglecting two of my other NPC's. Not to mention three more I have yet to unveil. Bit excited about a couple of connections and things I have in mind. Oh yes, am thrilled to say I have found a RL friend that actually wants to read over my work, came out and requested it like a year after reading my first pile of junk. *lol* Which is cool since most of my friends love my other stuff but are... er, sqeamish (read: wusses) and I wanted a non-vamp view of things to verifty that I am lending a certain level of realism to my efforts.

Amazing how hard that can be at times but I feel it would be selling myself and my character short if I made things too easy, magicking my way through the hard parts and all. Like my favorite RPers in the game, it disgusts me to watch people pull magic swords out of their asses or thin air. So when I decided to actually use magic in the new aspect I am adding to my little world, it was very important for me to provide firm, logical backing for it. So I wrote up a... well, almost a documentary of sorts, from C's perspective. Began with this idea of mine from some time back called the Distillation of Blood Theory, then explained her personal vampire theories with tidbits from legend and the game tradition to fill it out and make it usable. Received the ultimate compliment from one reader. *blush* So perhaps I will actually post it here one day. After much spit and polish, as they say.

Not really looking to get into the big, major sort of RP thing that I usually do any time in the near future. Just don't feel like it, getting my hopes up and working like a dog only to have things crash again. (Though I know WT wants C to RP their week together and that is perfectly fine.) Rather sick of the boards in general, which is why C has been quiet of late. Truth be told, her world revolves around about three things-- and boards are not one of them. Most of the interesting things happen in yim anyway, so... yeah. Really do not mind doing a one-on-one thing, of course. Different working with a partner to make things happen, develop shared ideas.

Ah yes, before I shut up must issue a word of warning to Nikola and Paula-- put in some major thought on the project last night. In fact, the answer came to me in a dream. Literally. (It happens, just ask Jonathan.) So be prepared 'cause I am just about ready to unleash one of the most pointlessly complex bits of work I have done in a while. All kind of over the top and melodramatic but I was given free reign an- and... my muse made me do it, yeah. Will try to keep it short though. Honest...
posted by Creide at 11:40 AM

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