Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Little Things

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I have been meaning to do this for a while, but my poor human has been buried under an avalanche of final papers and projects. Many of my posts have been grumbling and complaining about various things, so I hardly need tell you that I am not blind to the problems of the city. I know recent events have been less than pleasant for many, and it pains me in particular to see CBK lose so many he has ties to. Sadly, I have grown somewhat used to the lulls, the inactivity in some places... which is perhaps why I am so determined to move beyond them.

I have chosen to find solace in the quiet times, use them for reflection and struggle to put down the story of my unlife, the journey through the darker places I have long since tried to forget. Right now-- today, tomorrow, and until my next mood swing-- I will look toward the stars and focus on the happier things. :) So often I talk to vamps that are lonely, drifting through the city alone and lost. I was there once. I know how it is to wonder if you will ever connect with anyone or find your place and it is something I have not forgotten. It makes me appreciate my various relationships, perhaps more than I would otherwise.

First and foremost I have my beloved CBK, who keeps me in a constant state of amazement. No matter how bad things get elsewhere, I know that I can always count on him to make me feel better-- or at least to make me blush. I only hope that I can do the same for him. (Including the blushing part-- I just about die when he blushes...) Oh, and each time I think I know what to expect or how wonderful he is-- he does something completely unexpected and reminds me all over again why I love him so much. Or perhaps what amazes me more than anything is knowing just how much my husband truly loves me, the little... and not so little... things he does. Recently he asked me something... well, that meant a great deal to me. I am so excited that I could probably go on about it for ages, but nope! Too soon to talk about that!

Oneirus is another vamp I treasure, for a number of reasons. At times he has been my companion, mentor, partner in crime, greatest headache... ;) Any time I feel like getting in trouble or wreaking some havoc I know who to call. Our adventures have taken us to Hell and back, into battle with forces of true evil, and even into the depths of the sewers. Could have done without that last bit, but it has been a wild, unforgettable ride. Yet I am grateful for his serious side, too. Yes, shocking I know, but he does have one. *lol* That part of him makes him a wonderful friend to have. Just... don't get on his bad side. Or take his Pancake Mix.

Then there is my childer, Veronique. Who could ask for a better daughter? She is loyal beyond words, always ready to back me up or defend me against any wayward, philandering vamps that happen along. Well, that and any and everybody else that in any way threatens me. :D What can I say, violence runs in the family and Ver got a healthy dose of it. At the same time, it is hard to think of a sweeter soul. For a time I worried about her sensitive nature, but it has been wonderful watching her grow into a strong voice within the clan. She has come a long way and grown up quite a bit, and I think it shows. *proud sire moment*

There are a number of others I could talk about... like Pandrora, or mommy-P, as I call her. Or LR and his alcoholic demon squirrel. Could probably get into how AQel stalking me makes me laugh, too... but in a way that is just plain scary. *cough* Seriously, I think I have done enough happy, glowing sort of stuff for the moment. Would not want to rot anybody's fangs out. :P
posted by Creide at 10:41 AM

**blushing.. ::looks at ground and kicks the stones:::: "Awww shucks Mom! Look who I have as my example to go by!!!! Thanks for the kind words. They meant alot." *hugs
*hugs Ver* you're welcome dear.

O... no. NO. NO!!! you SO don't need to use that line. and the name's C-scuttle, not Bats! :P *grumble*
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