Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Once, Twice-- SOLD!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Last night was the big female vamp auction. I was near the end, and let me say that it was one long, booooring night. Worse than any war party or meeting ever has been. The tedium alone may make me re-think entering again. (Probably did not help that my sick human needed sleep.) When all was said and done though, I sold for much more than I expected. Which is thanks in large part to Mommy-P, who drove the price up. >:)

I was bought by What The for $56k. Not a bad price at all. Would like to think that I am worth every coin. I must confess that I am glad she won rather than Pand-- because my darlin' sire would have made me a present to AQel. *shudder* If you do not know why this is a bad thing... well, I am not going to explain it. :P

As of right now, I have no idea what I will be doing. Whatever it is though, I will do my best and make the most of it. It is important to me that my mistress gets all that she paid for. And in my free moments, I will count my "toys" and decide what to spend those lovely coins on. :D
posted by Creide at 7:20 PM

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