Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

A Bit Off...

Friday, January 27, 2006

There really is not a great deal to say. Already commented on CBK's Ten Commandments over on 360. Thought about doing my own version but... it might lead to violence. See, it would include the things I always say to him that embarrass him. So of course I would also have to throw something about his usual reaction... Which could even lead to tickling. *shudder*

Anywho, tonight I feel a bit off. Not sure why really, just in an odd sort of mood I suppose. Have a headache which is strange since I am not in my office spoon-feeding newbie vamps or cracking the whip over the trainees. It is definitely not a hangover since I gave up drinking last week. (Damn, I miss my bloodwine... and vodka... and tequila... *sniff*)

Am also a bit tired, feel like curling up in the bed and doing nothing. Taking a lovely nap. Which I might be able to do for once since CBK is off in the city. Yes, I am thinking a lovely hot bath with tons of bubbles and bath salts might be just the thing. Followed by a big mug of cinnamon cocoa and some blood chip cookies... then off to bed with a nice book. Ooh, and maybe my darling will give me one of his yummy massages when he gets home...
posted by Creide at 8:42 PM

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