Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Of Massages and Moods...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I got my massage last night... Wound up feeling about 150% better. *giggle* Also remembered a couple of things that reminded me of just how wonderful it is to be a vampiress. Particularly one who has the good fortune of being married to CBK and... er right, enough on that.

Moving along... I am not sure just what has gotten into me lately. Probably the whole hormonal thing. It feels really odd after all these years of being... well, a vamp. I guess I am rather used to knowing what to expect from my body, what my requirements and limitations are. Now though, at times I seem to have insane amounts of energy when I should be passing out from exhaustion. Or else I feel worn out simply from sitting at my desk a couple of hours.

Then there is the whole "evening sickness" thing. Yeah. Not going there.

Cannot say my current task is helping my mood either. I am sitting here penning a letter of gratitude to my former guardian, Audric. There is a great deal of history there-- pride, lies and love-- all the things that make unlife fun... So it behooves me to write such a thing, however my upbringing is such that I feel it necessary. The real problem, aside from swallowing my gall, is that I know Audric seeks reconciliation and that... concerns me on several levels.

minor ooc note: this post looked soooo much better with the yahell smileys. trying to figure out an easy way to stick them here too. ha... the joys of dual-blogging.
posted by Creide at 10:24 PM

whadaya mean i didn't invite you? you're still in my HoH group and i highlighted the group heading so it went to everybody. then again i'm still getting emails from jan, so no telling.

you calling anyone dirty or smelly is the biggest possible joke, oh denizen of the sewers.
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