Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

A Simple Hunt, Part II

Sunday, June 04, 2006

For once the vampiress had no destination in mind. Instead she allowed instinct to draw her out of the high-end vampire district and into the more populous areas of the city. Here and there she passed by humans alone and in pairs. Some smelled delicious, and her dark eyes followed them hungrily... but she was biding her time. The moment and the kill had to be just right, had to do more than simply satisfy physical hunger.

Creide kept walking, passing through a number of vampire and human neighborhoods, turning onto different streets according to her whims. At last she slowed, finding herself in an area well-known for its human night life. It was a favored hunting ground of hers, though it had been some time since her last visit. Ancient warehouses dotted the street, sandwiched between decrepit apartment buildings and rundown factories.

Yet behind the derelict fascade lay one of the wealthiest human- owned streets in the city. Many of the old industrial buildings contained seas of alcohol, highly advanced sound systems and every illicit pleasure imaginable-- all the things that made otherwise cautious humans come out at night. A virtual playground for a vampire with a love of crowds, humans pumped full of every substance known to man made easy pickings, their blood carrying with it all the exotic sensations of their drinks and drugs.

It was no secret that the wisest owners paid for protection; she knew first-hand that they paid rather well. The vampiress paused on the sidewalk outside a particularly large and shabby brick building. A line of humans was already beginning to form at the door and she smiled, pleased at the numbers. This was her place; she had long ago bound the owner to a deal he could not resist. Quite a fair deal actually, with marked benefits for both parties.

A hulking figure knocked her to one side, rudely interrupting her thoughts as he hurried to work. Their eyes met and the man paled, recognizing her. Before he could prostrate himself, inevitably drawing unwanted attention to her, Creide smiled and put a finger to her lips. "I will see you... later."

She was moving down the street before her words even registered. A tiny smile hovered about the corner of her lips as she imagined his expression. The bouncer had borne witness to her wrath more than once, not to mention a number of her friends on a long ago occasion. The memory always brought a smile, but there would be no drunken dancing this evening. The best prey was sober prey.

With that thought in mind, Creide mingled with the growing crowd, unobtrusively scenting them like a hound. A number had started drinking and imbibing other substances early, but after a little searching, she selected a small group of clean ones. The seven humans were clearly new to the area and she watched with amusement as they wandered around, debating over which place to go. As they got into line across the street, she made her first move.

Few people noticed her as she sidled up to the bouncer who had bumped into her. He listened carefully to her whispered request, obeying her without hesitation. A moment later two runners from the club were making their way through the crowd, spreading the message to other establishments. Having spun her web, she had only to wait.
posted by Creide at 12:00 AM

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