Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

A Simple Hunt, Part IV

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The man swayed unsteadily from the blood loss, and she clung to him as he staggered backwards, leaping free just before he dropped to the floor. Creide slowly turned to face the others, licking her fangs with delight at their horror-stricken expressions. She took a step and they shied, backing away from her. Cold laughter filled the room and she shook her head mockingly. "What, too scared to run? Or simply too stupid? Even more primitive animals know to run from a predator."

Taking the cue, half of them bolted for the door, straining madly at the handle. She snickered. "Oh yes, I failed to mention that we are all trapped here together. Bit crowded though, might have to thin the herd a bit." Stepping over the corpse, the vampiress watched as two of the men and one woman pulled out knives. The corners of her mouth twitched upward; a rather interesting development.

The first challenger attacked, brandishing his short blade as if it were a sword. Creide moved quickly, swerving to avoid the knife as she stepped in close and grabbed his arm, using her formidable strength to turn it back on him and drive the blade home in his gut. He shrieked, the sound piercing torture to her sensitive hearing. She hissed nastily, lashing out with a well-aimed thrust that shattered his nose. Shards of splintered bone entered his brain and silencing him forever.

As the ringing in her ears dulled to a roar the vampiress felt a sharp pain in her arm, followed by a second on her back. The other armed humans were attacking in tandem, stabbing and hacking. By the time she was able to break free completely, Creide was bleeding from half a dozen small wounds. Her eyes narrowed as the decision was made. The male would have to go first-- his longer reach had inflicted most of the cuts. She looked around and began edging away, shifting her eyes warily as if searching for an escape.

The foolish man fell for the act, pressing what he thought of as his advantage. The smaller female followed suit, hopping forward now and again to jab at her. The vampiress continued moving until her back was against the bar then snatched up a stool, throwing it at her pursuers. They narrowly dodged it and moved in closer, feeling a burst of confidence at her seeming desperation. Their progress halted suddenly as the vampiress reached behind her with a sudden smile.

Creide slowly lifted her hidden hand, showing a heavy glass bottle clenched tightly in her fist. With a single fluid motion she smashed the bottom on the edge of the bar and hefted her new weapon, already lunging toward them. The woman quickly moved out of range, but the man never had a chance. An upward thrust drove the jagged glass into his throat even as he tried to move away. She quickly sidestepped the falling body, feeling no need to sully her clothes more than necessary.

Looking around, she found herself alone. The woman had dropped her knife and was pounding futilely on the door, screaming at the top of her lungs. The remainder of the humans were huddled together, locked in various stages of terror. Creide sighed irritably and dropped the bottle, bored with their sobs and pathetic whimpers. She drew the knife from her belt and began slitting throats neatly and systematically, muttering irritably all the while. "Cattle, bloody cattle. At least fight, damn you." Yet even the woman who had shown a will to live earlier went without resistance.

Somehow the evening was not shaping up to be as much fun as she had imagined. Picking up a bottle of vodka and taking a couple of swigs, the vampiress lowered her head in frustration. She wondered how shedding so much blood could be so boring then shrugged, yawning as she looked at the swiftly healing cuts on her body then applied her full attention to scrubbing at a speck of blood on her shirt. When she was content with her efforts, Creide decided it was time to go find something better to do, such as hunting out of doors where the sport was better.

She knocked on the door, using a series of sharp raps. There was no response. Frowning, she tried again, harder. Silence from outside. The vampiress took a deep breath, plotting a rather nasty surprise for the doorman and thinking humorously about escape via the glass wall. As she raised her hand to knock yet again the door suddenly flew open, knocking her aside and banging against the wall. A figure stood in the doorway, silhouetted by the bright hall light.

Her brows drew together as she studied the newcomer. He was stocky, perhaps average height... and moving boldy into the room. As the man-- for a man he was and not of her own kind-- stepped into the light Creide read his expression. Determination of a grim sort and eyes that had plainly looked Death in the face at least once. He was clearly a soldier, but not one of the so-called Hunters who plagued the city like mongrel dogs. No, this human had a more intelligent look about him.

"I bid you good evening, Lady." The voice was clear and deep, the words polite and meaningless. Even as he spoke he drew a short sword, readying himself. The human took up a defensive stance then looked at her, seeming surprised that she had not moved. "Will you not engage me? I have come for that purpose."

Creide gazed at him expressionlessly. "I... bid you nothing but farewell. Arrogant humans who seek death are no fun to kill." She drew herself up and took a step toward him. He did not move and she continued, moving past him on her way out. As she reached the door his gleaming steel blade swung down into her path, missing her by a hair. She snarled a warning. "Put your toy sword away; I will not allow you to keep me here."

Her statement was met with a deep chuckle of amusement, but his next words were said with a malicious intent even Creide could not ignore. "Yet neither can I allow you to leave."
posted by Creide at 2:19 PM

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