Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

OOC, Part II

Thursday, November 18, 2004

OK, picking up more or less where I left off with the previous post...

I fail to see any real reason for a lot of what goes on, but at this point it doesn't matter. I'm bored with it all. I'm tired of seeing the same people posting the same things over and over. I'm tired of watching what few original ideas do pop up get swept under the rug or downplayed because they might disrupt things, or require actual creativity. Or, heaven forbid, steal the spotlight.

Most of all I'm tired of the pettiness and the RL-OOC clashes. Too often things happen or fail to happen because of grudges, likes or dislikes. Don't like me or my character. Fine. I promise I won't cry, and neither will Creide. Yes, I had my reasons for sticking it out so long. Certainly not to take advantage of any great benefits.

Creide has given far more money to the clan than was required of her. While we were at war, she gave all she could afford to give because she took her job as a Shield-Thane seriously. In return, she has been ignored, overlooked, and discounted. She has not really asked for anything from anyone, but it is next to impossible for her to find so much as a decent conversation or reply post. What good reason does she have for even thinking about staying in Heorot?

If you are thinking protection and advancement, allow me to acquaint you with the facts. The one and only time Creide came under attack, it was something that should never have happened. Yes, she broke a blood contract and by rights her life was forfeit, but the decision had been made to overlook it. That is, until things were said that should not have been. Creide was used then and very much aware of it. However, it was not the time to make a move. She had reasons for staying. Among them, she wanted to know where things would eventually go. Now she knows-- nowhere.

Right now Heorot is offering her nothing. It is slowly bleeding her dry. Nobody truly cares, with the exception of the same steadfast handful. She steals, she gives, she gains powers, life goes on. She sits in the TG for no reason other than to keep her companion and the few vamps that actually talk to her company. Something is very wrong when a member of the main clan feels more welcome and at home among the trainees and considers that her home moreso than the main board.

The one other task she has actually been asked to do is... well, less than essential. It serves some small purpose, but in a way it makes little sense. Regardless, she throws herself into it completely. Surprisingly, that alone has yielded more pleasurable results than reading endless hit posts and silly chatter about nothing at all. I have often wondered why there was not a separate place for hits and attack information. Common sense and experience should have shown that a storyline RP will NOT flourish in such a place.

When Oneirus and Creide stepped outside the clan to create Tales of the Vampire-RP I was told that adding yet another board to the slew of Heorot-owned and Heorot-used boards would divide us. I was also told that it might take up too much our time, and that the clan might lose us because of it. The obvious benefits of the group were completely overlooked for these reasons. There are no long lists of rules about insulting other characters and players, because there is no OOC. No worrying about saying the wrong thing or stepping on somebody toes because there is no conversation at all, just stories. Yet most people don't even know it exists. Is there truly any valid reason for that?

My time is my own. I currently own and manage five other groups, including an extremely active one with almost three times as many members as the clan board has. Not to mention the dozens more I'm a member of. Offline I work, commute an hour each way, do grad school, spend time with friends and family, have several other hobbies and... well, a life. Yet, if you take a look at the Shield-Thane and TG boards, it's obvious that I can spare more than enough time for clan. So no, that's not reason enough for Creide to just wander off. She loves this clan, she truly does. It was where she met her companion, where she learned that achieving powers was not impossible, where she made a few friends in a city full of strangers.

What is enough reason is simply that this is not as much fun as it was at first. It was a lot more fun when Creide was a trainee than now that she is a full-fledged member. I did not expect to tire of it so quickly, but then I suppose I expected too much in the first place. I sought a special niche, a place where Creide would be acknowledged and fit in. To me, a clan should offer camaraderie. Yet I would not even know some of the other members if I passed them in the city. Perhaps Heorot is just too big. Or perhaps there are just too vamps that don't care, that just go through the motions.

Creide doesn't want to become like that. I don't want her to be that way. There is life in her. It may not be as wild as that in her companion, or as scripted, or warm, or even noble as some others. Yet there is something there, too much to be silenced and ignored.

So now I stand at a crossroad. I have said this much privately before, but now I say it publicly. Within the next few days I will make my decision whether or not to continue with the clan or go it alone. If I pull her from the clan, she will still be in the game, just as I will still be sitting here behind her. She will still look on the House of Heorot with fond memories and wish them the best. If I decide to stay, I only hope it will not be a decision I later regret.

posted by Creide at 2:57 PM

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OOC Answer and Other Thoughts

The question has been posed-- why didn't Creide make use of the list of names given to her in the TG RP?

It can just as easily be asked why Oneirus didn't use them before Jimmy reemerged. The answer is simple-- lack of opportunity. In spite of the fact that this thing has dragged on and on with large periods of nothingness, there has not been a lot of time between the various incidents.

Creide just now assumed control of the keep and in one of my last posts, she had Killian send loyalists out to various places to find information. It was never specified where.

I have spent a great deal of time talking to O.'s human about the RP and the game world in general. As I told him, along with the humans behind the other vamps, I had a rather well-formulated plan. The humans would have returned with more information about the location of the Hunters, Creide would have met with the vampires and given them their instructions, and things would have moved on from there.

My personal choice in weaponry has stayed predominantly in the more historic realm-- medieval swords and bows, etc. Frankly, I believe it provides more of a challenge. There is more to any real war than brute strength and force. However, it's apparent that everyone doesn't feel that way. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yes, I know the vamps were slated to win from the beginning. But I NEVER wanted to simply roll over the Hunters. My only wish for the finale was to come up with a strategy good enough to win without taking unfair advantage. I was truly looking forward to going up against another writer with actual creativity. The fact that my plans were literally given up before I ever had a chance to put any of them into action bothers me more than anything else.

When I specifically tell someone what I am planning and ask that they NOT make mention of it, there is a reason for it. In this case I was explicit and explained exactly why I wanted to keep things under wraps. I even went so far as to say that Creide would make assignments at the meeting she had scheduled for an hour later. The more I think about it, the more it bothers me. While I understand that it was not done with ill intent, the fact remains that it was, among other things, disrespectful and inconsiderate. I feel like I pretty much got walked on, and I don't appreciate it.

Honestly, in a way I suppose I should have seen it coming. It all boils down to one major thing-- people don't really READ the other posts and write whatever they want to. We saw countless inconsistencies over the past few months-- vamps appearing in different spots than their own posts left them, timing being shot all to hell... Yeah, there were OOC posts asking everyone to read before posting, but aside from that we let things slide. It was an RP, after all, which meant there's no such thing as "set in stone." We all thought we could just "write around it" and ignore it.

Not this time. I should have been as harsh as I wanted to and called the human writers by name on the board. I could have pointed out the problems and let them know when it was OBVIOUS that they skipped over whole posts. But I didn't, and it escalated.

The RP has been a series of disappointments. People start, they stop, they forget or get too busy. Understandable for those with work and school and other priorities. On the other hand, if you have time to chat, is it really impossible to find five minutes ever so often to write a little something, even if it's to say "sorry, don't have time now so you can write me out?"

Damn people, if you don't bloody CARE about the RP, don't participate. Nobody is making you do anything. Nor should anybody have to beg and plead with you to post at all, whether for the story or as a requirement. I do not know any of you personally and could care less if this hurts your feelings, but some of the humans behind these vamps are just plain sorry. None of you are so special or such wonderful writers that it can't be done without you.

Why have I come to specific people and asked them to post then? The PROBLEM comes when you write yourself in and then vanish. It screws up the storyline and makes things harder for the rest of the group. I should NOT have to ask or tell you to post because you wrote yourself into something and then got bored with it. Be mature and step out if you need to.

I'm sick and tired of it. I really am. It's even happening in the TVRP story now. People waltz in... and that's it. Enough. If you can't contribute, get out. If you can't be bothered to leave on your own, get ready cause we will PUT you out. The group was designed with a purpose, and that purpose can be fulfilled with or without one or two posts from people that could care less.

Of course, more than just the story is bothering me. I'm not happy with the game RP in general right now. Sure, my vamp is making progress, but without the RP side of things, what's the point? The RP just plain sucks any way you look at it. So, there will definitely be a second part to this tirade. And believe me-- it won't get any nicer than this.
posted by Creide at 11:52 AM

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Beyond Betrayal...

Friday, November 05, 2004

Am I not only to be damned eternally, but eternally a fool as a well? This unlife, this mockery of life, is not of my own choosing, but it is mine. Am I to be hated, feared-- betrayed-- all for simply existing?

The humans have long feared us and I admit, yes openly confess, that we have preyed upon that fear. We allowed it to consume them even as we consume them and yet... Are we truly monsters, demons, to be cursed and cast into darkness? We relish blood, require blood-- and yet we secretly despise it, the way it calls to us, kindles within us an unquenchable thirst. Are we to be faulted for simply doing what we must to survive?

My thoughts now are dark and growing ever darker. The strange fantasy world in which happiness existed is shattered, leaving me disgraced among my kind. My very soul seems to escape me, leaving me mired in ice and sinking toward madness. The one vampire to whom I gave my heart and soul is gone, moved beyond reach. In his place is a human monster with burning eyes and razor tongue. Saint Jimmy.

A saint that lies and deceives, that lives to kill. Why did he live so long as a vampire, allow himself to be part of our world? How can it be that his concern for the clan, the trainees-- his love for me-- was all a lie? Is this human who speaks with the mouth of Oneirus to be believed? Did my companion ever truly exist?

For now, it does not matter. This Jimmy and the Hunters, led by one called Boris, have moved against us and I cannot accept the fate they would hand us. I will not let all we have worked for fall to ruin. I will take any measure to ensure the survival of our home and the death of those who would slay us. And then... I will hunt him.

If Oneirus is truly dead to me, I have no choice. Any human that dares to make such a mockery of us, of me, does not deserve to live. And any vampire that sides with humans deserves the worst torments I can imagine. Whether he is human, vampire or some tainted mixture of both, he will taste the sorrow he has brought me.

Yes, dearest user and betrayer you are now mine even if you were not before. With all the strength left in me I will hunt you down. And when I find you again... I will be more than ready. They say you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and none were closer to me than you. I know the very beat of your heart, the scent and taste of your blood... and oh, how I will savor it. Your life is forfeit.

posted by Creide at 11:24 AM

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Questions & Confusion

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

At first glance it would seem that all is well. We have discovered a way to disable the key weapon of our attackers and everyone made it safely back to the keep, including Oneirus. Or did he?

My first feelings on seeing him again were nothing but joy and relief. I worry about him, and he forever seems to give me cause to worry. Yet there he was, safe and sound in our rooms. But... from the moment I spoke to him I felt something wrong. It was like the one note on a piano that is ever so slightly off-key, jangling my nerves.

I know him so well... or at least as well as I can know him. Well enough to know how he sounds when he is angry or upset with me. This was far, far colder and I had done nothing to displease him. Then I noticed his attire-- strange, stark-white armor trimmed in cardinal red. Beautiful, yes, but more than a little odd. My companion's wardrobe is nothing if not dark.

All is not well and I know it. Who is this stranger, this wolf in O.'s skin and what has become of my companion? Does he lie trapped within, somewhere behind those angry eyes?

posted by Creide at 11:53 AM

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