Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Of Massages and Moods...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I got my massage last night... Wound up feeling about 150% better. *giggle* Also remembered a couple of things that reminded me of just how wonderful it is to be a vampiress. Particularly one who has the good fortune of being married to CBK and... er right, enough on that.

Moving along... I am not sure just what has gotten into me lately. Probably the whole hormonal thing. It feels really odd after all these years of being... well, a vamp. I guess I am rather used to knowing what to expect from my body, what my requirements and limitations are. Now though, at times I seem to have insane amounts of energy when I should be passing out from exhaustion. Or else I feel worn out simply from sitting at my desk a couple of hours.

Then there is the whole "evening sickness" thing. Yeah. Not going there.

Cannot say my current task is helping my mood either. I am sitting here penning a letter of gratitude to my former guardian, Audric. There is a great deal of history there-- pride, lies and love-- all the things that make unlife fun... So it behooves me to write such a thing, however my upbringing is such that I feel it necessary. The real problem, aside from swallowing my gall, is that I know Audric seeks reconciliation and that... concerns me on several levels.

minor ooc note: this post looked soooo much better with the yahell smileys. trying to figure out an easy way to stick them here too. ha... the joys of dual-blogging.
posted by Creide at 10:24 PM

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A Bit Off...

Friday, January 27, 2006

There really is not a great deal to say. Already commented on CBK's Ten Commandments over on 360. Thought about doing my own version but... it might lead to violence. See, it would include the things I always say to him that embarrass him. So of course I would also have to throw something about his usual reaction... Which could even lead to tickling. *shudder*

Anywho, tonight I feel a bit off. Not sure why really, just in an odd sort of mood I suppose. Have a headache which is strange since I am not in my office spoon-feeding newbie vamps or cracking the whip over the trainees. It is definitely not a hangover since I gave up drinking last week. (Damn, I miss my bloodwine... and vodka... and tequila... *sniff*)

Am also a bit tired, feel like curling up in the bed and doing nothing. Taking a lovely nap. Which I might be able to do for once since CBK is off in the city. Yes, I am thinking a lovely hot bath with tons of bubbles and bath salts might be just the thing. Followed by a big mug of cinnamon cocoa and some blood chip cookies... then off to bed with a nice book. Ooh, and maybe my darling will give me one of his yummy massages when he gets home...
posted by Creide at 8:42 PM

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Spells Like Success

Monday, January 16, 2006

Magic is overrated. Horribly so. A lot of vampires seem to be able to pull rabbits from hats. Wave a wand, say a few words, make a wish-- and the world stops turning. Your loved one comes back from the dead. You become a super-vamp and save the city all by yourself. Right. If only it were so simple. Or easy. Or... painless.

Not so long ago I was told we all have a certain power within, an untapped resource waiting to be shaped and used. Some have an easier time drawing it out, others never figure out how. As for yours truly, almost from the time I was turned it seemed as if someone or something lurked just beyond my sight, waiting and listening for me to speak to it. I used to joke about having personal demons; turns out the joke was on me. There really was something there, what I can only describe as a demonic presence lying in wait for what it saw in me.

I am what is known as a Spellbinder. The definition is not precise, but it is a close fit. I cannot simply think something into being or order weapons from thin air. My strength lies in speech, the chanting of incantations. Given any words of power I can use my talent to bind dark forces and request their assistance. These forces can do almost anything, from fanning the tiniest spark of unlife into immortal health to altering the very fabric of time. So in a way it is good that the use of these powers carries a high price.

So it comes down to the issue of value: is what I want worth the price I have to pay to get it? A full 99 times out of 100 the answer is a resounding no. For one thing most of the rituals are horribly complicated. Reading and chanting take more effort than one might imagine and I always end up feeling utterly drained. One small slip of the tongue, one herb or powder added at the wrong time, and the repercussions can be dramatic. Then there is the blood, liquid life, that must so often be shed to satiate the dark forces. Blood alone can mean the difference between life and death. Yet it is just as easily gained as it is lost for a vampire. So shedding a little of my own is rarely a concern for me. However... there is still more to the equation.

You see, it is one thing to bestow magical strength upon a weapon. The spell is cast, the change is made and that is the end of it. If, instead, the spell wraps the weapon in a spell to protect the wielder... it is something entirely different. Continual energy and power are needed to maintain a protective spell and so the cost is much, much higher. Blood alone will not pay for such a spell, yet there is little any mage has that holds value to the dark forces apart from their very unlife.

I myself have only one thing, something far too precious to throw away on frivolous desires. Which makes the spell I did yesterday sort of ironic I guess. The gurantee of my sustained unlife... at the cost of a tiny piece of myself. *sigh* It felt like a selfish request too, though it was not really for my benefit. If left to my own devices I would have skipped the protection but... I gave CBK my word, that I would take as little risk as possible. So in the end it was the best I could do. All I could do really. Besides, it was successful which is all that truly matters.

Now... I must rest. The knife wound is healed already, the lost blood regenerated, but the throbbing in my chest remains. It will be gone long before the next ritual begins, I know. Yet I cannot risk stumbling over my words or failing to see that everything goes flawlessly. We have waited too long and invested too much time preparing for tomorrow night.
posted by Creide at 11:54 AM

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In a Mood.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Today... is not a good day. I am in a mood, an absolute funk, for a number of reasons. Some are personal, others less so. In a sense some of the issues do not even involve me. I feel like it is not quite my place to say all of the things I want to say, even though it technically is. Or maybe it is more that I just do not want to get into it and waste my breath.

I always say I do not do well with change. Well... apparently the very mention of certain ones can throw me off kilter. Right now I should not be fretting over anything, but I am. Feeling sort of anxious. Uneasy may be a better word for it. In my heart of hearts I know things will be fine either way. Any questions or problems that arise can be dealt with. The one thing most important to me is assured. Yet... I cannot help having some minor worries. Uncertainty bothers me, wears at my very soul it seems. In the end though, it all comes down to trust... and in this case that I can do, completely and totally.

Which is an issue in itself. So much of what goes on in unlife has to do with trust. Trust too much and play the fool... or trust too little and fall prey to paranoia. Yes, I admit to being more than a little paranoid. Yet time and again I find my suspicions justified. It is said that the only vampire you can truly trust is yourself. Then again, my guardian told me that even trusting oneself is not always wise. Already I have lived long enough to see the wisdom of his words.

In the end... how do we choose which secrets to keep and which to reveal? Which tales to believe and which to discard? Who to confide in and to what extent? Relationships, associations, ties of various sorts only complicate these matters and make it that much more difficult to seperate thought and feeling. Does our evil nature really make us all so duplicitous that we should not trust those closest to us? Yes... or no. A near impossible question really.

So until I have some answers... I can only go with what I feel, set aside concerns and try once more to get into the proper frame of mind. Concentrate fully on the task before me. Which, needless to say, is much easier said than done. Especially now that all is ready for the completion of the first part, the half that takes fierce determination and will. Aside from seeing that the requisite humans survive in acceptable shape, there is no hurry to complete it or to use it immediately but I wish to have it over and done with as soon as possible. The spell will hold until it is broken, so there is no such thing as too soon.

As to the second part, the actual goal itself... I honestly do not know when it will happen but it carries an expiration date once cast. So timing does factor in there. Those taking part should be ready by now, but... are we? Another question, and one that requires a very definite answer.
posted by Creide at 11:02 AM

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