Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Finally... I think...

Monday, May 31, 2004

One day I will learn... Stuck outside a bank with a little too much cash to feel quite comfortable. *grr*

I see we have a new member in the Asylum; I suppose I shall be nice and say hello. Not much happening there. Have been debating over saying something wicked about the lack of action, but then what is there to say? Whenever I get Onei pinned down again I'm going to try to talk him into saying something.

Think I finally solved my mood icon dilemma. Found some downloadable ones I like-- not too "cutesy" or anything like that. So here goes...

I am currently nauseated.

Great one to start with, right? My human is rather green around the gills right now. In today's position as "Grill-Mistress" she got a bit carried away sampling her art and foolishly ate... red meat for the first time in I don't know how long. Bad idea, but thank goodness it was just a couple bites.
posted by Creide at 7:58 PM

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Money and Mood Swings

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Finally get around to checking my pockets. Walked away with a smile (and all of my coins intact) and managed to lighten a few pockets on my way to the bank. Such good luck almost knocks out the stress of the day... but not quite.

Noticed that the time setting for my posts was wrong and fixed it. Am still looking for mood icons. Found several, but they were all incompatible or otherwise unsuitable.
posted by Creide at 8:00 PM

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Challenges and Rainy Days

A challenge has been issued in the Asylum. I honestly wonder how many will actually rise to meet it. I took an active role last time... well, active for me. Perhaps this time I shall simmply watch the action unfold.

My poor companion is not exactly thrilled about the way things are going already. I must admit I can see his concern.

Started writing that the other night, but somehow never got around to finishing and publishing it. But I have a moment now, so I s'pose I should post something before Oneirus starts worrying. *snicker*

Finally have a tagboard. Before I forget-- for the record I did not start the fight! Well, not the pillow part of it...

This has been an incredibly busy weekend and my timing has just sucked. I really need to invest in some SoT-- came across not one, but two blue banks last night. Haven't even logged in today 'cause I don't want to see the damage done to my pockets. It was not a bad day though.

It was pouring down rain this morning-- and it reflected the mood of my human. She had a call about her grandmother going to the ER and after a great deal of worry and stress was relieved to find out it was something fairly minor.

Speaking of moods, I must find some of those mood icons. If they're cute enough I might even talk Oneirus into using them. *wicked grin*
posted by Creide at 5:12 PM

New Beginnings

Friday, May 28, 2004

It's not always easy being me. Particularly now that I'm a vampire. Before turning I was already a little on the disorganized side and a the ultimate procrastinator-- and now I have to deal with feeding, robbing and making sure my human doesn't wander off and get lost. Perhaps the most formidable challenge I face is... Oneirus. Yes, Oneirus who constantly borrows trouble, who is insane beyond words and who habitually steals the covers. Oneirus who insisted that I get started writing here... Oneirus who, if you haven't already guessed, is my companion. All joking aside, I wouldn't trade him for the world. Now for a dozen or so juicy Bob the humans...

We met in the Asylum-- more properly the House of Heorot's Training Grounds (TG). I am currently a trainee, dividing my time indoors between dozing quietly and skulking around wondering where my companion has wandered off to. Ever at my feet is my faithful pet, Angel. Oneirus was kind enough to step over a couple of rules and see to it that I had the ultimate companion and guard animal. Angel is a HellHound, top of his class and already about the size of a small pony. (I shudder to think how large he will be when fully grown.) My over-sized bundle of fur and fangs sometimes goes off to hunt or play in the Inferno for a day or two at a time. No worries though-- he always comes back to home to curl up in his cast-iron dog bed... and leave occasional "presents" for his beloved master...

Ah, but I skipped some information. Who I am? Simple enough. I am Creide. I am an observer. I see much and seek ever to increase my stores of knowledge. I am a soft voice speaking in the darkness. I am a gentle laugh in a quiet room. I am the terror that flaps in the night (couldn't resist). I am the velvet-cloaked one sleeping soundly in the back of the Asylum...

Velvet? Yes. I have been asked why I choose to wear such heavy trappings. Velvet is to all appearances soft. It is warm and inviting, yet stately, the garb of a true lady. It softens the contours of that which it covers, be it a heart of gold or the scales of a dragon. As the velvet glove hides an iron fist, so may the velvet cloak hide an iron will. *ponders* It may be that velvet holds a romantic element as well, though that is solely for my companion to discover.

Speaking of the blue-eyed devil, I find it amusing that I am expected to control Oneirus, or calm him down a bit. I can only say that I would not see him changed, for a number of valid reasons. I do not feel the need to explain. (Yes, Mr. Dangerfield, I do respect you.) I smile as I type this, recalling something Onei said last night about my being the string of reality keeping his balloon of insanity grounded. If I succeed in that much I feel I have done my duty. While we are very different in some respects, there is definitely a common thread. Frightening.
posted by Creide at 8:53 AM

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