Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Hail to Hermes!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Glad I took time out last night to build that shrine!The ancient god of commerce and thievery has honored my deed with the gift of good fortune. I woke up after a lovely evening and immediately helped myself to a bit of coinage from some unsuspecting vamps. The first three yielded between 50 and 150 each, which I counted as a nice start. Continued going, got a little here, nothing there... Then on my way to the transit, it happened--

"You stole 1188 coins from ..."

Talk about running like the devil! It was as if Hermes himself loaned me his winged sandals... *stands in awe for a moment then kneels to light candle*

Onei asked me about the happy tone of yesterday's blog. Didn't really have an answer for him because I don't know... just felt like it. Today however, the great vamp himself is almost entirely to blame for my good mood. He practically tortured me last night, refusing to post until I wheedled him half to death. But in the end, it was all worth it. While I do love his wicked side (not so much when directed at me) I think it is nice for others to catch a glimpse of the warmth he so often hides. While we are not very demonstrative outside our own home Oneirus and I do have a special bond all our own. O., in your honor I will say it right for once: "TWEET!" *lol*

The love-birds of TG both say they thought my gift was going to be a ring. Figures, since they're seeing the world through rose-colored glasses and all that sappy stuff. *snicker* Though I have to admit that going on the description the thought briefly crossed my mind. But as I told the big O. himself, I know him better than that. And... seeing as how that remark was met with hysterical laughter, I can honestly say that if my companion ever makes that move nobody will be more surprised than me.
posted by Creide at 2:37 PM

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Onwards and Upwards

Monday, July 26, 2004

Another day, another coin. Singular. Well, ok it wasn't quite that bad. But my luck thus far today is virtually nonexistent. Perhaps I need to start praying or making offerings to Hermes as have so many thieves before me. Hey, why not? Now that I am officially a Shield-Thane I could definitely use the extra support... er, something.
Things have certainly been busy lately.Last night the clan waged a brief war on a certain vamp, but it all turned out to be a nasty setup. The war mongers among us were disappointed, and understandably so. There has been a constant cry for blood recently. Ah, bloodlust... such a beautiful thing...

Inside the Asylum there has been a flurry of activity. AQel has issued a challenge to O. regarding the Order, and he is not taking it well. As I told him, I can see both sides of the matter. I just hope it resolves peacefully. Finally met Vienna last night and she seems very nice. Incredibly outspoken, which has helped the messages fly on the board. In other news, CBK pretty much put his foot in it, and as a result is serving as Pand's slave for a week. He is taking it all in good humor though and he tells me he's rather looking forward to his next week of slavery-- in which he'll be AdDah's personal whipping boy. *snicker* I might have to chat with her and offer a couple of ideas...

I have decided to take a more public stance on things. I doubt I will ever be quite outspoken as Oneirus (which is probably a good thing), but at the same time I realize I have not been as supportive of his myriad causes as I could be. (Just might start the Order of the O. yet...) Anywho, I will probably speak on his behalf-- or rather in support of him-- more often. I would never presume to speak for him. No telling what kind of trouble I'd get into. *lol* His tempestuous nature is such that there is continually some discord going on somewhere-- whether it's over spelling, the Union (now that's an interesting topic) or the Order-- and frankly, I can see where he needs a little cheering on. If I don't stand up for him, who will? Can honestly say we never have a dull moment. Of course, as Vienna said that can add spice... Anyway, for the general public-- as you can see, we're still together, haven't killed each other yet, and I don't think O. yelled at me once last night... ;)

Totally off-topic, but I am loving Blogger's new user-friendly posting tools. I'm too bloody lazy to write HTML for FX and whatnot, so I'm all for it. Two fangs up, Blogger!

posted by Creide at 3:10 PM

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Taking a Moment

Monday, July 19, 2004

I know it has been quite a while since my last post, and I cannot really say when I will get to it again. The joy has sort of died and then my human and I have been insanely busy of late. This has quite possibly been the worst week of robbing I have have had since getting my full Thievery powers. Or maybe I'm just really nervous about disappointing everyone. Either way, I'm really giving it my all,  determined to do what I can to make up for being so bloody late.
Zera popped up in the city and surprised me with a little gift last night. It was so sweet and unexpected, and I truly appreciated it. Have had such tunnel-vision about doing a decent job of things that I have been pretty out of sorts. So I'm sure I've missed most of whatever has been happening lately. Did see this morning that CBK and AdDah have found each other. They are both really great vamps and I think that's pretty awesome. As they will find out, having a companion can be a wonderful thing.
That is something I miss at the moment. Perhaps I am overly sensitive or over-emotional... I am not really sure if Oneirus has truly forgiven me and the only real conversation we have had recently... well, it wasn't one really. I feel like I'm bothering him if I try to talk to him. Human issues and stress really do not help matters any. We used to just joke around and talk for hours on end about everything and nothing. He was always there with words of wisdom or comfort (or insanity), and I did my best to listen and connect with him. No matter how rough things were in the city, we knew we could go home to a good conversation and have a few laughs. Then there was Angel... I miss those days.

posted by Creide at 9:17 AM

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For What it's Worth

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I know I've been off for a bit-- sick, having a miserable time of things in general. But now that I'm more or less here, I guess I should address that... lovely blog post. My human and I were both... well, more than a little shocked, because we thought the entire barrel thing was all in good fun. But to the matter...

I'm "confident." That is definitely news to me. I thought you of all vamps knew that I always worrying over something, or stressed over something or other. Am forever saying the wrong thing, walking on bloody egg shells... Remember my utter panic over the whole threat thing? Yeah, I'm the ultimate in self-assurance...

Words taken out of context always sound that much worse. Sure, I could copy and paste sound bites from conversations too. Goodness knows we have both had our days when we talked trash or said things we never would have to anyone else. However, I refuse to stoop to that. I do not always agree with you but I do respect you, and have no need to make you look or feel bad. And I certainly would not quote anything negative from a private conversation without your permission. I care too much for your feelings.

You, Oneirus, do not seem to either have the best memory. Just the week before all of this you complained about my anti-barrel comments. I, in all earnestness and *concern* for your feelings, asked if you wanted me to stop. You said NO, that it was entertaining. (I can pull a quote if you'd like.) Amazing how things change to suit your current whim. Then I tried to actually understand what the deal was, but...

I honestly am not sure when things went so wrong with the entire barrel thing. No, I was not trying to pick a fight. Why would I pick a fight with my companion, the one vamp I thought I could talk to about anything? Was just attempting to keep the whole thing going-- joking-- as per your request... and next thing I know you get downright insulting and offensive. Ouch. Hurt... a lot.

As far as my true feeling on the whole barrel thing goes, I'm glad you have so much fun with it. Started to think it might be nice to be on that side of things, and honestly tried... But somehow my questions were misunderstood, and you pretty much made it clear I'm not welcome. Which is fine, don't get me wrong. (Would hate to be accused of "barrel-envy" again.) I just wish you had chosen a more personal and... less harsh way to say it. No matter how "confident" you may think I am, well... I'm afraid I can be a little hyper-sensitive too. I am not and have never been out to make enemies or cause problems-- and if I had honestly known you were so bothered by it, I never would have opened my big mouth about it again. That's why I asked you.

Well, don't know what else to say. What else is there? I'm not even really sure an apology is called for after that... but for the record, I am sorry things have gone this way. It was never my intention to upset you or anybody else who may be involved in whatever way-- and certainly not to start this.
posted by Creide at 9:00 PM

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Being nice...? My Childer

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Weird thing happened this morning.I'm allegedly all mean and evil, right? (Shut up, O.) Well, I get this call from one of my childer asking if I can come pick up a rather tidy sum of money. Poor dear was all out of AP and sitting like 2 spaces from a bank. I was fairly close, so I... I agreed to help. Got there a few minutes before she was ready and so robbed her just for the fun of it. Wanted to see if I'd actually get 75%... was very disappointed to find that I got more like 14%. Odd...

Anywho, she handed over the funds and I skipped into the bank. Told her I'd hang out a couple of hours while my human worked, then she could come get it. The darling childe has now decided she "doesn't feel" like it and that I should keep the coins. No objections here. So I find that it pays to be kind... sometimes.

Ah, childer... When I began my family, I found I had quite a crowd. Of course, I figured the vast majority would be lost to shadows. Honestly, I did not expect more than perhaps one of my childer to survive. Yet I find that I have a handful still going strong. Indeed, since I was chomped on the other week, I find one actually has higher BP than I do. Good job kids! *beams proudly* Now if only I can figure out who the heck a couple of the humans behind the vamps are... *lol* Hm, something pointless to ponder-- if we had a family name, what would it be? (Amusing side note-- when told about my then new companion, one was convinced he should play the role of "daddy" for her. Poor O. was sooo thrilled!)

In other news... Well, there is no other news. Nothing at all major going on. Oneirus is as insane as ever and a good deal crankier at times. *sigh* The TG is quiet-- a lot of people have left, and the biggest thing elsewhere is a developing war on the boards. So... not much to say on that. And poor Onei wonders why I kill time picking on him. *snicker*
posted by Creide at 2:44 PM

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I Have Returned

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Have actually been back for a couple of days, moving around the city since yesterday morning but was sort of waiting on the right occasion to announce it. Methinks today is that occasion, at least here. Waiting to see what happens elsewhere. More specifically, whether or not I will wind up killing a certain vampire who shall for the moment remain nameless... *lol*
Scary the things I missed... *observes a moment of silencein honor of Bob the bunny*

Well, war took it's toll on me. Down from 3896 BP to something like 2640. Which reminds me... *a few moments later* Ah, that was fun. Spent most of my time biting left and right, then noticed a bank nearby and lifted a few pockets. Hit all of four vamps and dropped close to 800 in my account. It's good to be Creide. (Overlook the bad movie misquote.) Up to 2750 now. And no, I'm not going to keep a running tally. Only thinking about it at all right now because I'm planning on going for Stamina 2.

I notice Oneirus has commented on our recent conversations. Following my remark about it all being pointless he went so far as to label me a... I believe the term was "Barrelist." I do not think he truly understands my views though. In fact, I know he doesn't. *sigh* It is not even that I am anti-barrel. I am content to let it live... er, not live... in peace. Nor do I deny the existence of the Order, as he claims. I find the whole thing rather amusing, possibly even interesting.

Oneirus is simply not exactly convincing. Simple questions meet with no answers, only insults and outrage. I seek to understand and he tags me a non-believer. Oneirus, just what exactly are you asking me to believe? What does embracing the way of the barrel truly mean? I hear others have joined his cause and have considered asking them for an explanation. Then too, I have my doubts... Alas, where my companion treads, confusion often follows. Yes, I know I will have to hear about saying this. Indeed, let me say right now that I do not claim total innocence. However, I must point out that Onei's recent display of a violent streak and general mistreatment of me gives me cause to wonder just what effect this Order has...

On an ending note, my human is slightly less stressed. Her grandma went into the new facility yesterday. Physical therapists are working with her on a daily basis. Ah, and evil family is heading to points north for the weekend. So my human's already informed her poor sister she's commandeering her house for a small pool party... *Mwahahahahaaaa!*

posted by Creide at 8:27 AM

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Taking Time Off IRL

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Sorry for those of you used to reading my other blogs. Don't feel like re-writing/posting this for them, so bear with me. Getting a bloody summer cold of all things and have a temp. *grr* I have been so insanely busy IRL that I'm running myself ragged. I haven't had time to really read or post to boards, blog, or do much else lately. Managed to sit in on the big conference last night, but had several other things going on, so wasn't even at my desk for a good deal of it.

My grandmother is still in the hospital. Moved her furniture out of the assisted living place last night so they can give the room to someone else. (Pouring down buckets of rain at the time... fun.) Told my sis I really thought we'd be moving it out for a diff reason-- to which she said she doesn't think Grandma will make it even a couple more months. Probably right-- Grandma can't even feed herself now. Mom is spending pretty much all day every day over there feeding her and whatnot because the nurses say she "won't eat." They don't have the patience to spend 45 mins feeding her and talking her into taking each bite, though I've found out they're actually supposed to. Sort of understandable though I guess... I know didn't realize how much time/effort it takes until it was my turn.

Anywho, between picking up slack at home, everything from my previous post and life online, I honestly have more on my plate than I can handle. Talking about a 19.3 out of 20 on the stress scale right now. Am actually breaking my own rule and having caffeine today in an attempt to stay awake. (Evil drug... now i'm exhausted/cranky and jittery...) Used to be able to manage things while I was at work, but with new projects flying at me I no longer have time here. For that reason, I've already turned over the reins of my various groups to my co-owners or mods and don't know when I will posting to any of the vamp boards again. Definitely not until I either get some rest or things settle down here. A lot hinges on my grandmother's health. Right now I think I need to spend what free time I do have with my family. I will try to stop in where I can when I can though, and hopefully keep up with personal email, so feel free to give me a buzz. (snickers_blk@yahoo.com)

That said, I wish all of my brothers and sisters of HoH nothing but the best in this time of war. I'm proud of you guys. Just hope next time I'll be able to actually participate. :(

To everyone else... wuv you guys. Will miss you all!

posted by Creide at 9:09 AM

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