Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Sounding Out an Idea

Thursday, March 31, 2005

This is something I have been thinking about. Time here is moving quickly. It is past time to ready ourselves to face whatever will come. Is our keep truly secure and equipped for this? Opposite sides prepare to meet and we may have the advantage of home terrain, but what of the balance of power?

I think it may be time to think about singling out another human for our side because I... Well, it cannot hurt to have someone less connected to myself when Killian is not wanted. Plus he has to be free to do other things besides managing both the keep and army when he needs to. I have thought about a second helper for a while but it was put on hold. Yes, K-- I know I am alive thanks to you. (Though at times I think you are not wrapped too tightly.)

This one would have some unusually powerful and god-like killing technique with a suitable name like Star Strike or Death's Kiss. *lol* No, no I'm joking... not trying to have the reading public put me away. He or she would simply be an ordinary soldier, that is all. One intelligent and obedient, not to mention well-acquainted with war and its sorrows. It is just an idea right not but...

I see no reason I could not use it for TVRP or something. After all, whatever is coming promises to be one of the bloodiest wars ever held. I will need some excellent troops to support me. The keep is so huge that somebody besides the vampires and Killian needs to sort of have my back. Of course I have several regiments of Loyalists but I... *sigh*

Well, I want to be as proficient a commander as I believe I am. Which means having someone to fall back on, who will not be leader enough to not buckle when terrified. Sort of... I mean, none of my people should prove themselves cowards or lest they wish to learn the true meaning of hurting. (No, K, the lesson should be taught by me, not you. Hm, or maybe we could both...) Anyway, I just need something more.

So I guess I... Yes, I need an officer under K who can inspire the men to keep moving in spite of his or her own fear. Of course there is a minor problem with that. The inevitable list of questions, beginning with a "what if.” Constant worries of the lazy vamp that is me, myself and I. *lol*

What if I create him and he is more of a hassle than K and Angel were? Suppose she does not do what she is meant to? What is it that I truly want him to become? Would she be mine alone to command, or also all of yours? (Shut up Killian, you can order him around anyway—wasn’t asking you!)

The real issue is making an investment in their development, whether or not I really would. Either way I think it must be decided soon. The action and intrigue are all set to grow. I need everything in place now as my health is not the best and Killian, being human (and having lent me some of his own strength), may quickly grow tired. Yes, now we shall see what we, and in particular our new friends, are truly made of. At least defense tactics are of no worry to me. And... Well, it is hard to foresee and plan for other issues before the enemy makes their move. It will be soon though; that is one thing I am counting on.

Already I grow impatient, longing to look into my blood-mirror and see if the evil one is coming yet. Yes, I am sorely tempted to use the magic I so hate and love. When I close my eyes I can feel it, the way it freezes and burns. It cries out from my very blood, making it hard to sit still. Perhaps that should be my greatest fear-- that the need within me and the mark of the demon will continue to grow stronger.
posted by Creide at 9:46 AM

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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Unlife is strange. *lol* Yeah, profound thought there. Seriously speaking though, at times I feel just plain "lost and confused" as my human would say. It is amazing how many conflicts come into play just over the course of one night in our immortal world.

Change, they say, is inevitable. I hate change. *sigh* Strange coming from me since I have a knack for pushing change, occasionally even giving it a little kick in the right direction. Yet... it scares me. There, I've said it. Change brings in the unknown, the uncontrollable and I would rather have my hand directly on the controls. On the other hand, I know change is essential and frequently good. Perhaps for that reason I am not one to fight against it, not often.

That does not mean I approve or agree with it. Believe me, I have had to stand by and watch terrible things happen. Things that made me feel hollow and cold inside. But... if I had moved, or spoken, or done anything to stop the flow of time and change, it would have been wrong. The simple fact is that I cannot always have things my way. No matter how badly I may want this vampire to stay or that one to go, this one to succeed and that one to fail... I am not the decider. I can only express my wishes, my dreams, my hopes. Will that be enough? Is it ever?

As of right now, I don't know. Time and patience, which I have little of, are the only answers I have.
posted by Creide at 11:55 AM

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Shrine Divine and Other Ramblings

Monday, March 28, 2005

To begin with, there is not much going on here of late. Be that as it may, I feel like posting. Wise would I be to drag my human off to bed, but... there is still... And, er... Love how I am truly so weary that I cannot even think of an excuse. Is this good enough-- my shrine plans? Hardly worth going on about... but this one will be special. Granted, I have said that before about the others. To be precise, I think it was just about the Pengra one. The Hermes one stands even now, but grows dusty as he disappoints more and more often. Gods so ancient must be well chosen, of course. Above all else, the selection of a deity matters most.

Love of the selected one matters less than dedication. Is that wrong? Not really, simple the way of things. In ancient times, the sacrifice was the thing and so it still is. Our adoration is of little value to one that is on a higher plain. Choice blood, tender flesh-- these are the things a hungry god or demi-god crave. But such things are easy to obtain when one lives a vampire life. In fact, it is almost too easy. Our lives are filled with nothing but the spoils of our fangs and blades. Fate... bloody, blessed fate.

We are the judge, jury and executioner at times. Came to that brilliant deduction on my own, yes. *lol* Together with our wanton desire for blood is something else. The feeling, nay knowledge, that we are superior to the creatures upon which we prey. Stars in our own right, dancing through the night. Above reproof and the fear of punishment.

What other creature could or would dare to rebuff us? Started out as a human myself, yet do I truly align myself with such? Out of the question. As soon as I meet a human beyond those bred to a level of high service, such as Killian, I may change my mind of course. Liking that idea, K? *snicker*

Soon I will have something of more import to write about, I hope. Developed a sort of... need to write tonight I guess. Into the blog with all of the silly things and fragments of thought. Love it... ;)
posted by Creide at 10:04 PM

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Methinks I smell the first stirrings of change upon the wind. It may be an ill wind that blows through these days. Yet... ill or not, one must be prepared. There is much going on in various places, yet nothing truly worth ranting on about.

Actually I did that a bit yesterday and I was not alone. *lol* Several of us have expressed concern over the failing health, no... death, of the TG. As of result of a combined effort, spearheaded by the Warden himself, we have been given the promise of a better future. We hope. Well, new blood at least. As I was told earlier, "baby, baby, baby steps." As if I am patient enough to sit and wait. HA.

Of course, being me I really cannot sit still for long. So I have managed to get my hands into yet another pot elsewhere. Apparently it was set up last week though it still *ahem* has not taken place... but I am to be the HoH-KoH Ambassador to SI. Rather looking forward to it if only to keep myself entertained for a time. I still hold my post as Ambassador to CWD, but aside from a disgustingly successful line of trainees and one recent graduation, nothing is really happening there.

On a more personal level, I am quite pleased with TVRP. There have been a couple of very minor snags but... who can complain? By week's end we will be rid of all non-participants. Regretfully that group may include my own childer. *sigh* However, in the end that is the best for all involved. Our numbers have continued to grow one vampire (or Lycan) at a time and I am thrilled with the current run of things. The only thing I see myself having to play "Lady of the Keep" on is the issue of the dreaded god-character. Yeah, one of those. It is too early to tell, but his Lordship *snicker* and I are ever vigilant against anything that may take away from the story.

As I write this, night falls over the city... and our enemies begin to stir. I am still not at my best; the cut has healed but some wounds are far deeper and more painful. Yet we will set off into the streets once more, not knowing what we may encounter. All I know is that somewhere out there is someone filled with hatred... someone that hunts only me.
posted by Creide at 3:43 PM

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I am amazed to find myself posting here again so soon but I feel that I must. Recently I have been questioning myself-- who I am, what I am, my purpose. I sought affirmation. I stood back and took a good, hard look at myself. I judged myself lacking and unworthy. I felt that I was not all I could be, that in some aspects I have tried too hard, in others perhaps not hard enough. I worried that my motivation, my reasons for doing and feeling were wrong or had become somehow lost to me.

Then this morning I received a letter that truly spoke to something within and forced me to look directly at the answer that was already right in front of my face. It was a true revelation, and "aha moment," if you will. Now... I understand. The answer lies before me as if written in the stars themselves:

I am Creide.

That alone means more than I can possibly put into words, and it is the truest definition of my being.

Being Creide means walking in shadows for comfort but never to hide from danger. Being Creide means desiring safety but not fearing death. Being Creide means having the will to make the ultimate sacrifice, doing anything and everything witin my power to protect my precious person.

Being Creide means truly trusting only those who have earned that honor.

It is laughing in the face of hardship, it is standing firm in my convictions. It is being a friend when there is a need, and a comrade in times of strife. It is placing honesty and loyalty above all else, and living by my own code of honor. It is saying something silly for a laugh, or something profound for thought. It is living to live, loving with my entire being and never backing down from my chosen fight.

Perhaps most importantly, being Creide means not allowing my actions or choices alone to define me.

Like me, love me, hate me, ignore me.
No matter what your choice, I have made mine. I choose... to be me.
posted by Creide at 10:38 AM

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Passage of Time, Unlife Not Sublime

Monday, March 14, 2005

Much has happened in the past months, and each week brings new adventures of some sort. Time marches endlessly on and I am continually amazed by the way a single day can drag on for an eternity... but a single night may flash by in a second.

Perhaps it is best to run down the list of highlights. To begin with, I pleased to report that we are currently at peace. These days I rarely frequent the public halls; there is nothing there for me. My time is divided primarily between the keep at TVRP and the various KoH halls. I remain a Shield Thane with fairly good luck. My deposits are less frequent in recent times, but far larger than in the past. It simply works better for my schedule to run things that way. I am still Ambassador to CWD, though no longer the only one. I cannot say that I am pleased by the new arrival, for a couple of reasons. I did, however, make a polite overture to welcome him, as I felt was my duty. That... is all I will say on the matter.

Hm... I could go from there into a spiel on a couple of other things I have noticed, but... no. I have been playing relatively nice lately and am quite enjoying simply watching the way things go. Indeed, I have more than enough to keep me busy without intentionally sparking anything. For one thing, I spend more and more time in my office as Ambassador buried under mounds of paperwork. Their TG is simply enormous, and that is not counting the new Blood Camp full of advanced trainees. As much as it pains me to say it, our own TG looks more and more pitiful. Where it once was boisterous and full of life it stumbles along. We desperately need a influx of new blood willing to buckle down and work-- but perhaps more importantly, we need new blood willing to speak out, speak up, and participate.

We are experiencing vast success in the newly renovated TVRP hall. A small number of friends and family have joined us there, in addition to some new faces from elsewhere in the city. At the moment, I regret to report that there are some that will soon be put out for lack of participation... and perhaps a couple there for the wrong reasons. While it is open to any and every one, we will not tolerate freeloaders living in the keep and drinking up free blood. Nor will we allow sleepers to silently stalk any of the members that make our home their own.

Things there are currently winding up. The action for the moment is simply building. Soon the floodgates will be unleashed and I cannot guarantee the safety of the others, let alone myself. Already I am weakened by my own sacrifice, and not merely by the blood loss. To use a forbidden text, and accursed book... was to invite Hell itself into my being. The foul touch of the demon on my soul will stay with me and I fear the effects that may come to bear. At the same time I find myself stalked by some silent assassin. Someone... wants me dead but I do not yet know who or why. The thing, the face, I have seen in my mirror of blood terrifies me, but I know it will come and I must one day face it. But enough... On to something less troublesome.

Perhaps the biggest change brought about in the past weeks is my new family. Such ties were something I missed from my human years... and even my time with dear Audric. So, some time ago I decided to make a formal change and take full er... sirental rights and custody of a new childer, View. In the beginning we had to have a little chat about Hunters and why he will no longer chase them, but that aside it has been wonderful.

Even more recently, I was honored with an invitation into what Oneirus has dubbed "The Fam." I am now the youngest childer of Pandrora, who has not yet killed my for calling her mommy-Pand. :D Oneirus and CBK are now my brothers, and I also have a sister, spookie. Right now there is a plot under way to pit The Fam up against AQel's family in an all-out Battle-of-the-Fams sort of deal. Details will forthcoming as they come out.

That is all of the paper news but beyond those things, just the past couple of weeks have been a time of discovery for me. Something, somewhere has changed where I am concerned, but I cannot figure out what or how. So for the moment I am immersed in an attempt to understand something of the way others see me. My timing could not be better... or stranger. Last week for some reason, AQel started in on this whole closet thing with me. It was rather... shocking. I mean honestly, open seduction in front of witnesses. *lol* I will probably never understand exactly what that was about. During the same time frame certain others were openly admiring or flirtatious.

Surprisingly enough, I managed to find something I never thought to come across, a vampiress that truly seems to understand certain aspects of my persona and happens shares certain rare qualities. It is good to make a friend, particularly one truly open and understanding of what the what itself means. However... all such finds are not necessarily good or pleasant. Then... neither are they bad. Ill-timed? Yes, perhaps that describes it best.

It is funny in a way, or simply ironic. I can see the truth behind almost any political situation, make rounds as a social butterfly when it suits me... even managed the considerable task of talking AQel herself into a corner last week. Yet I find that I fail miserably at reading and understanding others when it counts the most. I cannot always solve things as simply as I might wish. Such is not always the way, no matter how I might hope or try. I have realized the truth of it all now-- that in the end, unlife is as uncertain life itself. Where any road will eventually lead... it is impossible to tell. Likewise, the future itself remains unclear but where happiness is truly deserved, it will always be found in some measure.
posted by Creide at 7:58 PM

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