Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Bothered... an Editorial

Monday, August 30, 2004

There is a question with an accompanying poll on the MB. I find some of what has been said thus far quite interesting. Of course, some has raised questions, and as always I have my own. Thus, I feel moved to put my thoughts in writing. Should I feel moved to repost any portion of this to the board, it will undergo some revisions. For now, what you read here may offend or affront. While this is not my intent, I will not blunt my words for the sake of feelings. You may count this as my own private editorial on the war, or Creide's Critical Commentary, if you will.

More than ever I feel this entire situation is about to move beyond all hope of spin-doctoring. To me, evil is relevant. Honor, however, is not. There is no gray area where we call into question other clans and their choices. There is only our own standard, the one by which we have all chosen to live our unlives. It is a black or white decision-- either we maintain the high standards we have set for ourselves, or we run away in disgrace like some beaten cur with our collective tail between our legs. What is the SC that it could drive us to such depths of depravity? Would we be less for taking a defeat nobly, or more for knowing when to cut our losses?

It is a far better thing to die with honor than to live with downcast face. A public leave of absence for us as a clan is probably the best option. Indeed, I think it more than wise for certain ones among us-- those who would not be silenced-- to leave the discussion floor altogether. We need time to regroup and lick our wounds if we are to ever achieve that to which we strive. It is time to take stock of what we really have and what we really are, time to build morale and seek to better ourselves.

As a simple clanswoman I am not in a position to protest some things done by those over me. I can but speak my mind. Yet... I question some decisions. Granted, I see only what information is revealed to us, but what I have seen on some fronts is nothing to be proud of. I burn with shame each time I see a childish comment or pointless argument signed "HoH" on the boards. I understand that some of the more outspoken among us are true warriors and true Heorotian patriots. Regretfully, fortitude in the field of battle and willingness of spirit does not make one an eloquent or even respectable speaker. Look for a moment at armies throughout human history. The soldiers and their sergeants did what they knew best. Meanwhile, those better suited to it spoke on their behalf, staging treaties or planning engagements. Still others did the footwork, serving as scribes and delivering communications.

Perhaps we should place a little less value on such things as warrior status, and more on verbal strategy within the public eye. Indeed, had such outbursts and responses as the ones that sparked the current line of SC insults and verbal abuse been reined in, as I believe was earlier suggested, there would be little need for us to withdraw from the public arena at the present.
This war, in my own opinion, would have been better fought silently, if only because words are what brought us into it. It is often said that you cannot argue with a fool. So may it also be said that only a fool seeks to argue. In that, I truly respect our leader's decision to withdraw our members from the public boards. However, I feel it imperative that we do so in such a manner that we manage to retain some modicum of respect, both for the sake of our own brethren and in the eyes of others. Each ounce of respect lost is one more we must fight to regain as we proceed with other plans.

My one suggestion at this stage is to install someone of more a even temperment into a position of grace. I am not speaking of an advisor or lieutenant, which we already have. This person would serve primarily or solely as a messenger and speaker in the public realm. They would essentially handle clan PR and act as a liason, becoming if you will, the Voice of Heorot, and speaking at the behest our Lady. Perhaps there is already such a position. If so, I have certainly never seen or heard anything of it... which speaks for itself.

Please feel free to post comments or speak to me directly. I am more than open to discussion on an of the afore-mentioned topics.
posted by Creide at 3:41 PM

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Thoughts & Things...

Saturday, August 28, 2004

First of all yes, I am pleased to present two new entries at once.Or there will be as soon as I finish this. Granted the other one is postdated, but I actually did write it then. Anywho...

My wondrous companion is truly insane. That's all there is to it. *lol* I adore him, but if he gets any more excited about this RP project he just might work me to death. Amazingly enough, Oneirus has in effect become my muse. We do well working together. He has more ideas than I can count and seems happy with the way I put them in print. Almost like I set the stage and he fills it with players, assigning each a script... and together we move the strings to put them in place. Now if I can just get him to kill the chainsaw and machete...

I started my Celerity 2 quest today. I'd declared I would do it as soon as the guilds moved again and I'd maxed my AP. So... of course my first bar is 116 bloody moves away. So not fun. And it really sucks using Alleyway and knowing it would only have been 21 with the transit system. *pout*

There is something minor that I must deal with at some point. Not anything for concern, strictly personal. I tend to be mildly paranoid at times. But not this time... For now I shall simply say though I may not appear to notice things, rest assured I do. If I choose not to acknowledge them it is for reasons of my own. Rest assured I take careful note, however some things are better left unsaid.

posted by Creide at 1:15 PM

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Planning & Plotting...

Friday, August 27, 2004

There has been a flurry activity in our little corner lately.

First, and foremost, though she longed for a rest and planned her fall, I wish to observe a moment for our fallen one, Pandrora. Goodness knows she deserves a rest, and I hope it is a good one-- .... *lights candle in her honor*

Now then, I have acquired a wee bit of Shadows. Really want to do Cel 2, but... yeah. Actually kinda told O. that I'd get to it when the guilds move again. *grumble* But might wait another week... dunno yet.

More exciting is "The Hunt of the Vampires," the TG RP. Oneirus has been writing feverishly for the past few days. His muse is in serious overdrive. I swear he's had me chained to the desk lately... um... threatening me. Yeah, yeah, threatening me with the chainsaw if I don't post... *blink* Honestly, he has massive plans for this thing and though he insists on not taking more credit, it's truly his baby. Poor "pups," as he calls them-- they have NO clue what they're in for...

posted by Creide at 11:59 PM

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A Cry for Help...

Monday, August 23, 2004

Last night was just... frightening. Of course, Oneirus did not bring the machete into the TG until tonight but... I have seen it, and I know it well... All too well. Allow me to relive the moment for you--

Oneirus: cha cha cha ha ha ha
Oneirus: *dons hockey mask*
Creide: *backs away slowly* um... hon?
Oneirus: *tips head to one side*
Oneirus: cha cha cha ha ha ha
Creide: that's soooo not funny... *backs away a bit more*
Oneirus: *steps forward slowly*
Oneirus: *pulls out machete*
Oneirus: cha cha cha ha ha ha
Yes. Now you have seen it for yourselves. I only hope that those of you reading will bear witness should anything... untoward... happen to me.
posted by Creide at 10:00 PM

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Mooving Along

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Amazing how times of turmoil serves to tighten ties and bring people closer. It seems that it also adds depth and in an odd way, joy. Even in the midst of war of the ongoing war, I find reason to smile. The past few days with Oneirus have been absolutely amazing. Our conversations are entertaining enough, but now we have added a new form of communication. Yes, a regular exchange through the HBS (Human Bob System, aka email) which has left both of us laughing insanely. Then there is the post Oneirus left in his blog. Apparently even the undead can blush... I certainly did when I read it.

Yes, I agree with him about "us." What we have is something truly unique and special. We don't feel the need to impress anyone, or try to convince the world that we're meant to be. We simply exist, communicating and taking time to enjoy life together. There is some secret to our success and I think it might be as simple as... well, being ourselves. It is not anything we consciously strive for or work at. Pushing things only leads to problems, and there are enough of those outside of our relationship. *lol*

Regretfully, the main problem I am seeing right now is this war. In future days it may even be known as the "Neverending War" but for the moment it is enough that it is wearing on all of us. We have gone through insane amounts of resources, our leaders are too close to death for comfort... and still it continues. In addition, AQel's plan is apparently very much in the works behind closed doors. We have all been told to take the first step and join the group. I was the third to do so... But I have questions, concerns... many thoughts on both it and this war with Shadow Court. Oneirus tells me repeatedly to speak up, that I have some valid points...

Yet I have not been so moved since my first and only post on the matter. In my position I am powerless... I fear my words would fall on deaf ears. Of course I know that some do listen, but so often one small voice is not enough to raise interest. And of course I don't have the... ferocity of my companion to spur me onwards. Simply gentle nudges from behind, but how much effect they truly have is yet to be seen. Perhaps one day soon, particularly if things should continue down this destructive path to nowhere, there may come a moment when I at last speak out and do my best to drive my point home. For now, I wait and watch...
posted by Creide at 10:32 PM

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Feeling Unsettled...

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Oneirus is back. And not surprisingly, he came in with a roar. What can I say? Words... I know that there were many spoken last night, though I can only imagine what they were. After last night I find myself with much to consider and know that I am not the only one.

My companion knows that he is very dear to me and... well I won't go into all of that. But sure, there are things we disagree on and there always will be. I may not support all of his ideas but I do listen. In listening I find he has some very worthwhile things to say. The simple fact that he says what no one else will speaks for itself. It is never an easy thing to go against the flow or speak against the majority... yet is it not a necessary evil? Regardless of how the message is delivered, is it ever a bad thing to point out possibilities?

It is easy to get caught up in the excitement and turn a blind eye to the worst case scenario. Perhaps it would be wise to at least heed the words, file them away for future reference, even though we may not agree.

When Oneirus speaks, sometimes I can never be sure whether it is what he says or how he says it that starts the fire. When we first got together there were jokes about me controlling him. That in itself is perhaps the biggest joke of them all. Oneirus is very much his own vamp, as anyone can see. I can only advise him as he does me... particularly about the delivery of certain things. But the best way to deal with him is simply to listen. True he is opinionated and can at times be harsh, but he will listen in turn. Besides, you never know what he might say. ;)
posted by Creide at 12:51 PM

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Uninspired... but Looking Forward

Monday, August 16, 2004

Been awhile since my last post. It is not so much a lack of time as lack of inspiration.Things seem to be settling down now, lulling us all into silence. We are still at war but as AQel says, it is primarily a battle of will. Quiet, very quiet.

My thieving efforts this week have been less than spectacular and I was not able to make my drop-off at the usual time. Not that there is such thing as a usual time-- Pand can vouch for that. *lol* This time it is a good thing in a way, since it makes up for the time I spent running across the city for my latest power. Want to make a deposit tonight, so giving it one last go today. *pauses to light candle* May Hermes guide my steps to those too unwise to bank. Started the morning out fairly well... "You stole 589 coins from Hilaguard." But alas, that is the most I have taken off anyone lately. Odd side note... I happened across Lord Kain (14934) this morning in the vicinity of Kraken & 8th.

Even in the TG it is quiet. Without CBK and Oneirus around... *sigh* No recent word from Addah lately either. But on the up side, Hagen has returned and from the sound of it, is ready to join the fight. As for me... Well, I feel like I am frozen in time... I could post the next part of my story, but it isn't time. With the ongoing war taking precedence in the main house, I have no desire to interrupt with a personal epoch. And not having posted any of it there, I do not feel it is right to continue posting it in the Asylum. So... until the war is over and we approach happier times...

AQel posed an interesting idea for the house to ponder. I came fully out of my shell for once and said my piece. Not sure any of it was worth hearing, but the whole thing is something I have given a great deal of thought to. Perhaps because in some small way I rather enjoy the intrigue of politics. And though I make no claim to know or understand the vast majority of what happens in the city, it does seem that we are in a rather interesting position. Our clan has a great deal of potential and the desire to do great things, and I feel that no matter the outcome of this war, we have much to look forward to. Much as I look forward to the return of my companion.
posted by Creide at 11:10 AM

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Telling Tales and Powering Up

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Busy 24 hours here. Well, not really but I feel like I have actually accomplished something. Posted the first part of Creide's Story to the Asylum. I didn't get to the part where I am confronted and attacked by my sire, but it is written and will be included in the next segment, along with my first kill. *yum*

As for the turning itself-- the process of death and rebirth... It is too painful to speak of just now. Each time I try to write it down, I clutch my pen with a death grip and my wellspring of words runs dry. I fear that it will defy description altogether, that mere words cannot express the unspeakable agony...

Speaking of agony, I finally shelled out the cash for Stamina 2 today. On my way to be branded for 1,000 BP. Such a lovely idea, really... NOT! Actually don't really care. *shrug* Have been looking at the other powers and trying to figure out what to do next. May flip a coin. *lol* Or I could try flipping Oneirus. That might be fun, though it wouldn't quite accomplish anything. ACK! Gotta go get Angel! Don't know why Onei tied him up anyway. No wonder they can't get along-- Angel is a free spirit... a demonic spirit, but a free one...
posted by Creide at 10:58 AM

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What a Kill-Joy... *lol*

Monday, August 09, 2004

It is just plain sad that my companion expects me to take time off mykilling spree to post. Just cuz he's back in his office slaving over a ton of paperwork (and throwing out my personal correspondence) while I'm out having a blast... *blink-blink* And now he's threatening me. Yeah. Did you see that tag? Not pretty. Not believeable either. *lol* Oh well. I hope poor Oneirus will be able to join us soon, but of course matters of clan duty take precedence. I am sure he will at least find time to go pick up my beloved Hell Hound. Hm... I do hope the aptly-named Angel won't give him too hard a time... *snicker*

Things are quite fun in the Asylum at the moment. Now that we've escaped the confines of the bar, Addah and I are playing a wonderfully gory game of Kill the Bobs. Best kind of game there is-- nobody really loses except the humans, and they don't count. I wonder if anybody in the MB would be interested in that sort of RP, since RP itself seems to be a hot topic of late. Could prove interesting... Perhaps I shall think more on it and see what my twisted mind can produce. We also have a new trainee, Kathiana, who seems pretty cool. Of course, anybody that brings a custom-made jacket bears watching... *lol*

Things have been busy. We're at war again and it looks to be a rough ride. I am still forced to sit on the sidelines for lack of Stamina. *grr* But I have done what I can as a Shield-Thane. Just about broke the bloody bank here, so I am seriously hoping for some good hunting this week.

Speaking of thieving, while things have been slow off and on, I have not neglected my duties to Hermes. Quite the opposite, in fact. I have even come up with a new addition to my tagline-- "Heorotian for Hermes." I can only pray that he goes with me and guides my hand to as many rich pockets as possible. Last night's hunt was not too bad. My second vamp yielded over 1200. I copied the line to paste, but explorer crashed and I lost it. *sigh*
posted by Creide at 11:37 AM

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Writing an Epic

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I have put it off far too long. I know that. I've known it for some time.Back when we first met I told Oneirus part of my story. He wanted to hear more, but I was not sure how to tell it. So I put it on the shelf, stacked a couple of other things on top of it, let it get dusty...

Well, the time has come for me to air it out. Yet I must admit I am a little wary. As with the vast majority of things I write, a small piece of myself (and of my human, who takes dictation and embellishes as she sees fit) went into it. It is still not complete. Perhaps it never truly will be. But for now, I can tell about my beginning and even the beginning of my reign of blood.

It is not a pleasant story, nor is it as exciting as so many. But it is mine. *sigh* Then again, I worry that it will be confusing. It jumps back and forth a bit-- between the time right after I was turned and searching for the city-- and the actual turning.

Just found a forgotten file of notes. Including the bit where I met Oneirus. *reading* Wow... Did I really write that stuff... Or did that crazy human do it?
posted by Creide at 4:23 PM

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