Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Life... extremely OOC. (Warning: Personal Info)

Saturday, June 26, 2004

No mask emoticons today. Just Nik, with Creide reading over my shoulder. May be short, might get long. Hard to tell but I have so many random thoughts going on right now that I need to get them down with some semblance of order.

It seems like no matter what I do or say, somebody has a problem with it. In both RP and RL I am truly sick and bloody tired of it. In a way, I honestly don't care. Can't make everybody happy anyway. But when I've done my best to get along with everyone else, not cause probs, been as polite and understanding as I could. I have not commented or complained anywhere outside my blog unless it was something I felt strongly about. So at this point I honestly have to wonder-- what else I am supposed to do?

It is not in me to bow and scrape to make somebody else happy. Not when it is something petty. Just not going to happen. I do have a modicum of pride. When I choose to do or not do things, there is generally a reason for it. I have been pushed around and dictated to my entire life, told about my every fault in great detail. So honestly, being profane and putting me down is not exactly the best way to go about things. All it does is lower my opinion of you, and is rather hurtful when you're somebody I thought was a nice person. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Just know that if I had not cared, I would not have replied to the message at all. Sometimes an apology in so many words is not called for. Misunderstandings and subtlety, two things we all should learn more about.

Go ahead, get mad at me. Call me names. Blame me for things beyond my control. Never mind any feelings or reasons I might have-- please, whatever it takes to make you feel better. Seems like a growing trend of late. Nik/Creide the punching bag. (No, I don't feign innocence in all matters. Hell, we all know what my vamp did, and I said from the beginning I would take anything it brought me, be it death or glory. If nothing else can be said for me, please let it be known that I strive to be honest.)

I feel like this though. 1- If you have a problem with me about anything at all, you should address me directly and in an adult fashion. Regardless of what my companion might say, I don't really bite. Hell, believe it or not, under normal circumstances I'm probably one of the nicest people you could ever meet. (But I'll get to that in a moment.) 2- If you have issues with my personal thoughts or feelings, you probably should not read my blog. I mean, that's sort of the point... it's primarily for me, myself and I. I am glad some of you seem to enjoy it, but I'm not in it to make anybody else happy, except Oneirus of course. But even he encourages me to say whatever I'm thinking. One of those things is the whole RP deal. Of course I am fully aware that it's not for everyone. But then, my simply commenting on it here is hardly the same as trying to force someone to do it...

The part about circumstances-- is where things get sticky. At this particular time, mine are not good. Of course we all have RL issues from time to time, work and school and the every day sort of things-- but these are... different. I don't talk about them much except to Oneirus because I am not out for pity. However, I do rather like for people to see where I'm coming from if I snap at them or what have you. So if you want to, read on. Just know that it's about to get personal and quite possibly fall into the region of TMI.


First, the more minor or at least more easily explained issues. Have not slept much lately, as Oneirus could tell you. He's forever telling me to go to bed, but I've been so wired it's sort of pointless. Extreme stress does that to me, so I just can't sleep. Or have these dreams, but that's an entirely different issue way too deep for this blog. Let's see, have a severely depressed friend who sees me as her life support system though our relationship is not exactly the healthiest. An uncle who suddenly has such bad memory loss that he gets lost driving around the city he has worked in for years. These are not actually that bad in the normal run of things, sort of par for the course. But then there's my grandmother...

Grandma almost died this week, from dehydration of all things. When she became unresponsive and stopped eating hospice assumed it was just her time to go and decided she should not even be on an IV. Never mind bothering to find out the problem-- and she could not tell them how she was feeling or even that she was thirsty. Why? Same reason she has lived with our family since I was a small child. She is mentally disabled.

I know I probably came across as childish in the meeting when I complained about the word "retarded" being used in a derisive manner, and I regretted saying anything because I did not want to explain it. In fact, at the time I did not even tell Oneirus the whole story because even after all these years... I'm ashamed to say it can be embarrassing. Growing up dealing with that, hearing the ugly things people said... I try so hard not to just conform to society, but we're all taught from childhood that being outside the norm is shameful. Realizing that, knowing that I actually hid something I should not be ashamed of-- I think it's the main reason I am writing all this. Airing the dirty laundry, as they say. It's part of my life, regardless of what it is called.

Well, hope at least somebody out there understands me a bit better. Questions? Comments? Complaints? You know how to reach me...
posted by Creide at 8:59 AM

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Last Night... This Morning

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Last night was just... odd.Oneirus was in a mood... was really not quite sure how to deal with it, as he's been one of my main supporters and quite good at getting a laugh out of me lately.
Wish I had been able to do the same for him...

Things have livened up since the reopening of the closet, but then... Not sure what the deal with anti-barrel sentiment was, but in a way I can sort of understand. Where Oneirus is coming from, I mean. He was actually asked to bring it back when things died out a couple weeks back. Sure, I joke about it and we do the whole anti-Barrelology routine... but it's sort of like me and my closet...

I cannot honestly say anything of interest has happened in the city lately. Well, not for me anyway. Still need some SoT. Irked cuz I could've gotten some the other day-- if I'd had one. Mercy, speaking of... Hagen (at least I *think* it was Hagen, but who can tell when vamps don't bother to sign their posts?) was apparently sleeping in a bank I scrolled. Wrong place, wrong time-- not my fault. Fellow clan member or not, even if I'd seen him there's no way I would have risked getting robbed of that much loot just to spare him. Besides, it's part of the game. Happens to everybody sooner or later if they sleep in the wrong spot. Fail to understand why he could't add to the RP since he was there...


Just made a run for SoT. Closest shop was full-priced *grr* but my APs were almost maxed out so I decided to see how much I could save by lightening some vamps' pockets on the way. Pretty satisfied with the results. By the time I hit the bank by the shop, I had to take out less than 300 to buy two.
posted by Creide at 8:24 AM

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OOC Victory Dance

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

*runs around room war-whooping and openly mocking Dell*

what IDIOTS! dunno how many times i called them. i know twice calls were promised that never came. so, i emailed. sure, i played their stupid "we'll help you fix it" games. gave them a week to make me happy. but nope! so i had to tell them TWICE that i paid for a bloody FUNCTIONAL system and it's THEIR job to make sure it works! (think sending that last msg w/ lots of SHOUTING and pointing out that 1) i know my consumer rights, 2) i'd take it to a consumer advocate group if necessary and had 3) i had no intention of letting them give me the runaround until my warranty ran out-- well, that might've helped...) anywho, Dell be damned-- i WON! currently sending in the 10 billion i.d. numbers they've given me so they can send me a NEW CPU!

*dances for a moment on Dell's collective heads, then promptly collapses on keyboard*
posted by Creide at 1:31 PM

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%@#$ Blogger...

Wrote a whole long post last night and blogger ate it.Have no clue what I wrote, so have to start all over. I know one thing I wanted to say is that, and I've already explained the sitch to my companion, I may sort of be in and out for a while. My human has several things going on and is super-stressed at the moment. Plus with the new anti-chat rule at work... Not to mention the ongoing war w/ Dell over my brand-new non-working compu... Yeah, well, I'll be on when I can. Hitting my human's email is always good, cuz she's logged into it all day, trying to curb the flood of group stuff, rp bio forms needing approval, etc. Hopefully I will be on in the evenings as always...

Thievery sux. Used to be such an awesome thing, but now... The humans are carrying small change, the vamps are banking more... and I think I need a change of venue.

Well, I must say I am pleased.Paused in my writing to make run-- hopped on transit and skated through a new area. Not bad hunting. First vamp gave up over 300, and it's simply amazing how many in the area were just standing around with cash on hand. *grin* Still, not as good as it could be. Have decided to give up on humans for now. Desperately in need of more SoT. (Well, not desperately, but they certainly come in handy...)

Yesterday I was all set to put up a new post in the TG. Yep, the beast in the closet is ready to emerge. But then Oneirus asked me to wait. Figures... *sigh...* Was kind of excited about getting things going again, too. I can't stand stagnation. Nothing has been going on. Our little play-squabble last week was pretty amusing, but now things are slowing down again. Can't let that happen! If it means baiting poor Oneirus, so be it! Since I have a bit more time to work on the closet, I might have to throw in a little something special for my dear one...

Hm... I think it is great that we started the blogging trend among the ranks. I know I have yet to actually meet some of our sisters and brothers, so I hope even more will start posting. Perhaps I shall even link to some... Who knows? Oh yeah, on the topic of the family-- I have to say that I also think thinning the ranks a bit would be a good idea. Have my own opinions of course, but don't think I'll comment further just yet... Too often someone joins, announces their arrival-- and then *poof* they're gone. Of course our humans all have lives. But if you're online anyway, it only takes a moment to post and say "Sorry, I've been busy. Be back when I can." Find things boring? Well, liven them up! If we all sat around doing nothing, nothing would get done. So get in there and get active! Even if it means bringing in a barrel and obsessing over it...

A couple of weeks ago I actually spoke with one of the trainees Onei mentioned. This one, littlevampgirl, hadn't bothered to read any of the TG posts but, for no apparent reason, lied and said she had. Twice. All I said was something like, "Did you see...?" The fact that she would just volunteer a petty lie about it says something... Not to mention that it was a dumb move. Two questions and she was caught in it. I was in a good mood, so I decided to play nice and be helpful anyway, directing her to FTA and even telling her key posts to read. Needless to say, I didn't believe her when she said she'd post a little something... *lol*
posted by Creide at 8:37 AM

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The Hunted

Friday, June 18, 2004

Ah, yesterday. No better way to start my morning than with a random death threat. Ok, maybe not so random. Unexpected, definitely. Just my luck it hit me at an odd moment and sort of rattled my nerves a bit. However, mere moments later the wondrous support system called Heorot kicked into action. I wuv my family! *hugs all around*

Yeah, enough of the mushiness. I actually find the whole personal vendetta thing rather amusing. Yet is is rather childish. If it had happened back when the matter was valid it would be one thing. This, however, is simply a pride issue. Disgusting. I can honestly say that back then I expected it and was ready. I am no coward. I made a decision fully aware of the consequences, and quite expected to get it two ways at once. That was my choice. And for once I truly made the right one.

Anywho, yesterday I was insanely paranoid. Kept popping by the city and looking over my shoulder, expecting to see something at any moment. Nothing. At this point I don't think there will be. Which is fine of course, if a bit less exciting. *lol* Then again, Oneirus frequently manages to keep things exciting enough for me.

Even less exciting is my take from humans the last couple of days. I mean, 3 or 4 coins? Why bother? Out of the 8 or so I snagged yesterday, one had like 70 and one over 100. On the other hand, I hit about 6 vamps in a row that had at least a little something. One yielded 300. So all in all, not too bad I guess.

It pains me to see that none of the trainees (feels so weird to not be one anymore!) are really saying anything in TG. It is not like they're never online. We all know certain ones practically live online, yet they never seem to find time to post anything. Even with a flat-out bribe on the table, they have nothing to say! CBK has seen what participation can bring. I can most definitely say that I would not have gotten where I am if I had decided to sit back and just watch. I wonder how long it will take the rest to figure it out.

Perhaps tomorrow I will relieve Angel of his guard duty and reopen the closet... Hope Oneirus is ready...
posted by Creide at 11:59 PM

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I Have Arrived!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Finished up suction this afternoon and have been promoted to the main board. Happy! Very warm reception on that end. AQel and I did a little victory dance.

Um... oh yeah. Wow am I tired. All that stalking vamps sure wears a girl out. Interestingly enough, only had one seek revenge. Made some comment about how I "attacked" her and she's generally "peaceful" so she'd just bite me that once. Can you say what-ev-er? *lol* 'K, too tired for this.

So, will leave with yet another convo quote, in honor of my tagboard.

Oneirus : BAH
tureliealasselle: humbug?
tureliealasselle: *lol*
tureliealasselle: what am i s'posed to *bleeping* say?
Oneirus : any *bleeping* *bleeped* thing you want to say
tureliealasselle: well, *bleep*
Oneirus : No..*bleep*
Oneirus : this conversation is *bleeping* hilarious
tureliealasselle: what the *bleep* makes you think such a *bleeping* thing?
tureliealasselle: i might have to *bleeping* post it on my *bleep* blog
Oneirus : I got your *bleeping* blog right *bleeping* here

Yes dear, and here it is.
posted by Creide at 12:04 AM

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Vamp on a Mission

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Today has been so hellacious... I feel as if I am being blown about like awindmill. (I know, my mood icon phrases get more tedious every day. But do I care?)

Somehow I thought the actual act of finding and biting my 20 vamps for Suction would be at least vaguely challenging. Just started this afternoon and already have 11... or maybe 10. But I'm pretty sure it's 11... unless it's 12. Between yahell and O. I lost count. *sigh* Either way, if I had the AP for it, I'd be done. Simple matter of hitting crowded areas, i.e. banks and stations. Well, the pressure is on and that at least makes it a little fun.

Angel amazes me. He is still keeping a vigilant watch on the closet door as requested. If he has eaten a little monster or few, I'm certainly not going to complain. Might have to make (rather have Oneirus make) a special fire pit for him in the backyard.
posted by Creide at 9:07 PM

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Enter the Closet

Monday, June 14, 2004

Hm, I suppose I have been putting off the whole "scary-thing-in-the-closet" thread for long enough. So I'm working on it. No, really... OK, so I'm thinking about working on it... Thought about just going all Stephen King and having a giant clown demon come out. But then my brave knight in shining bat wings informed he'd run. Allegedly for sheer comic relief. Riiiiight...
Mmight hafta do something about this barrel thing, even if it means playing dirty.It is getting to be... well, not quite frightening, but a true obsession. Oneirus just accused me of "barrel-envy" of all things. Amazing, absolutely amazing. Somehow talking about that hunk of wood has led to the closest thing we'll probably ever have to a lovers' spat. You know, a little playful name-calling, minor bickering... and now bringing another vamp's name into things... Strange. Inanimate object, animated convo. Perhaps I should rethink my stance on it's existence... NOT! (Does anybody know the name of a reputable termite dealer?)

Nothing major happening in the city at the moment. Sat in on a little meeting last night, which was interesting. But my mind was elsewhere, so I missed a good portion of it. Did a little petty thievery this morning, and I do mean petty. With luck though, I just might be ready to try for suction before the week's out.
posted by Creide at 9:39 AM

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Barrels and Bull-headedness

Sunday, June 13, 2004

My companion seems to think that I amjealous of an inanimate object. Kenny. There is so much I could say... really. But is he, no it, worth the trouble? Nope! I completely fail to get what in the world Oneirus sees in it. Now if it were a cast of fine Merlot, or even Cabernet Sauvignon... at least then it would have some value to it.

Well, since Onei insists on constantly bringing his little toy up, I might as well have my say in the vain hopes that someone from TG will actually wander by and find something worth commenting on. (HA! the slackers!) I find the slimy thing rather revolting. You would think that when he had the stupid thing fixed he would take a moment to wash it. But no, that would be asking too much. His stupid wooden bucket smells worse than anyof the wee beasties that have come out of my closet. I must say that I'm just glad he wasn't insane enough to think he was taking it home. No WAY is something like that coming through the door!

*sigh* My personal feelings of (alleged) avarice aside, I heartily approve of anything that can breathe life into the TG. It hardly seems like the place I first walked into. Then it was vibrant, full of life-- er, unlife. Everyone was excited to be there and eager to jump in. But now... Sickening really. I think this may be my week to start launching personal barbs. Why not? Have the feeling certain vamps still aren't reading anyway, so of course they can't be insulted!
posted by Creide at 6:10 PM

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Posts and 'Puters-- and Runnin' Like Hell!

Friday, June 11, 2004

OMG! What a rush... I'm positivelyamazed! The second vamp I hit tonight... over 2600 coins and so of course I got greedy. Wound up racing to a bank. Blue. Next bank, bloody close to being blue. Got in though and put over 3k toward Suction! (Stand back, kids! Vamp girl on a mission!)

Would actually have been here sooner and perhaps had a little time with my loved one... but there's the 'puter prob. My human is a little irked with the infamous Dell right now. Brand-new compu... doesn't work!!! They have 2 days to make us happy, or my human goes on the warpath... and they won't like that! *shudder*

The thing in TG with Fire's request... Hm, well I sorta feel like this. If you don't have 5 mins to spend, why bother? For those that can't make it to meetings and don't really socialize off-board, how else can they expect to learn a thing about the way other members interact? Still amazes me how some vamps-- who will remain nameless-- do not bother to read the board at all and thus have no bloody clue what is going on. And then there are those who do read, but apparently feel that they are above replying to any type of RP. (Hello?! What do you think clans are?!)

Just read Oneirus' latest post. (Hon, you need to add a permanent link to my page, by the way.) Yin-yang... interesting... *lol* Have I told you lately that I absolutely adore you? It is truly nice to know that what I say matters to you, my wild stallion. Hm... wait, that sounded... ah, well. Think what you will, general populace!
posted by Creide at 9:39 PM

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Antici... pation!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Oh wow... What a naturalhigh! Call me crazy, but somehow there is nothing quite like the feeling of sitting and waiting for that magic moment, then making a mad dash for a guild. I think these are my favorite moments in the actual city. In a couple of hours I will be ready, pockets full and AP to blow. For now, I must wait to claim my victory.

Ya know, sometimes I truly hate HTML. Just spent the last bloody hour trying to fix my comments and kill the stupid permalink line. Then since I was in, I fiddled with some other things, added a credit button for my mood icons, etc. Nothing major, but time-consuming.

SO... now that I have my comment link, and it's set to let anyone comment (i.e., you don't have to be logged in) if you visit, comment. Would love some feedback! So, questions, suggestions, venting-- all is welcome.


Mission accomplished! Taking my newly maxed out power going out to steal from any and all who get in my path! Um... just as soon as I have more AP...
posted by Creide at 10:48 AM

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Meeting of the Minds (and Non-Minds)

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Clan meeting tonight was pretty enjoyable. Well, it would have been more enjoyable if some vamps tried thinking before speaking. I could say more on that, but I think Oneirus handled it pretty well. Something so sexy about vamp standing up for his companion... *ahem* But I digress.

Pandrora was on me about HW'ing again today. Or tried to be, but caught me in the middle of my evil mood. She wisely backed away and I continued to think hateful thoughts until this evening. Then I stepped away from the meeting long enough to do a little legwork. Yep, finally HW'd AA. Was ok, but somehow not the thrill I was craving. Probably because it was nobody worth really troubling about, imo. But off now to new and better things.

Speaking of which, I am on my way to my next power. Sat on the money for a couple days while I stalked my prey. Was not happy about it... Anyway, was honored to receive a personal hop from AQel tonight. What can I say? I'm flattered-- and that's not an easy thing to do.

Finally, jumping back to the topic of Oneirus... (Can you tell where my mind is right now?) Someone asked me today "What do you and your companion do?" What a question to ask, but perhaps my answer surprised her. I told her-- we talk. More than anything, I know I can spend hours simply conversing with him. It is a rare gift to find such a connection and I truly treasure it.

Tonight we had a little talk about just that:

Oneirus : me the kinda off the wall, mercurial force, and you're the calming waters, the one to reign me in
tureliealasselle: pretty much
tureliealasselle: think that's what makes it so much fun
Oneirus : I would think so
Oneirus : actually the best analogy would be like a horse and jockey
tureliealasselle: i know there's always something going on with you...
Oneirus : I want to run...run free and you're making sure I don't burn myself out
posted by Creide at 11:16 PM

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I am not sure why, but I am in anasty mood. Gave up the pointless search for AA this morning and decided to do a bit of stealing. Had the worst possible luck. Don't even bloody care at the moment. My human should be happy today; her new computer is on the way. But she is cranky as hell and feeling icky, and it has rubbed off on me. I actually started to make a rather ugly comment in the TG about how some vamps don't bother even bother to socialize and a couple other equally polite things, but why bother? The ones I'm thinking of won't bother to read it anyway.

Look forward to seeing Oneirus... He stands a better chance of cheering me up than anyone else. If, of course, he's up to the challenge. (Yeah, good luck.)
posted by Creide at 11:14 AM

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A New Day...

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Ah! A new day, a new look! I am soooo wired right now!Absolutely hyper! It's all Onei's bloody fault, too. *grrr* Keeping me up all kind of insane hours. He was still bouncing off the walls going on 2am... and still singing... Nothing quite like under five hours sleep and Ace of Base *shudder* to make this vamp a nervous wreck.

After weeks of wondering if we would ever meet in the city, Oneirus popped up in my block last night. He was tickled so of course I had to leave him a message. This morning I had a response and a *cough-cough-dead-cough* flower... The sentiment was deeply appreciated. An altogether different sort of sentiment from a human my human is acquainted with was not, however.

Hm, I was so tired last night that I missed commenting on part of Oneirus' post. Kenny. Yeah, Kenny... the barrel. Think that's all I have to say on that.

One day I will make it there, my love. One day when I finally learn to manage my moves, not that I personally think I have a prob. *lol* I shudder to think how much money I've missed out on in pursuit of disappearing shops and HW. Right now I could be out robbing and plundering, biting and slashing-- but if I do Pand might stake me or something. *heehee* Of course, the company I'm keeping certainly makes my stay worthwhile...
posted by Creide at 10:32 AM

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Anniversary Special

Monday, June 07, 2004

Amazing-- he manages to resurface on the exact day of our 1-month anniversary! *kisses Onei wildly* Needless to say, there are a couple of new posts in the Asylum.

Let's see... think I'm feelin'flirty right now. Nothing like a romp with one's companion to set things to rights. *hahahahaha* I honestly do mean that in the most innocent way possible!

Hm... nothing new to report in the city. Overdid it again. Out of moves and managed to irk Pand in the process. *snicker* I'll go after AA tomorrow... really... *blink-blink* Told her it wasn't my fault-- it was the humans that insisted on surrounding me! Planning versus greed. Not gonna win that one!
posted by Creide at 11:07 PM

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Today, The Weekend...

What a weekend it was. Thanks to empty pockets and no APs by turns, I missed out on all the action. Unbelievable. While it is true I was a little war-shy in the very beginning, I know it is a duty and an honor as a member of HoH. So I did my best to take part... but couldn't. Talk about aggravating!

More importantly, Oneirus is still missing. Kain has been missing for several days as well. But it has been... 9 days since I last heard from my companion. Is it any wonder I am feeling ratherpessimistic? Today was sort of special, too... *pout*

It appears that my little thread is dying out, too. On the plus side I have at least talked to a couple of different vamps lately. Mostly Pandrora and View, though I ran across (k, was approached by) a vamp I knew in days gone by. Brought back some interesting memories, but no regrets.
posted by Creide at 11:40 AM

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Didn't Plan to Post

Thursday, June 03, 2004

... but I have nothing better to do. I am in a multi-colored funk tonight. Have Alicia Keys' "If I Ain't Got You" playing at the moment. Not sure what the deal is. My human was insanelymanic earlier. Crashed hard.

Enough about human issues. Nothing exciting in my corner of the city today. Saw some familiar faces around and picked up a bit of cash, but it was an off day.

I was really hoping Onei would be back from wherever he is by now. I actually managed to accomplish something in the TG. Posted a challenge that got a response. Posted again to keep it going and Pand was so pleased she agreed to kill the yellow background. Pink... enough to make me ill, but at least not blinding. *shudder*

I wanted to share my little victory with Oneirus... For now, I can only hope that all is well with the man behind the vamp.

Now playing Gavin DeGraw's "I Don't Wanna Be" and I think it suits me much better. Yes. I have learned so much in the last few years about exactly that-- simply being me. I think that is one reason I have embraced this new unlife so quickly. It allows me to be myself in a new way, giving even less thought to doing or saying the right thing.

Oh, found something sort of neat... I have my doubts as to how accurate it is (and Oneirus isn't around so I can't ask about the last two!)but here it is anyway.


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
posted by Creide at 10:31 PM

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Not a Bad Run... Concerned...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I have not heard from Oneirus since Friday and his last blog was Saturday. I don't think of myself as a worrier or anything like that, but it is Wednesday... Angel has been moping around all week, forever underfoot and staring at the door. Not what I would call good company, and I'm sticking by my "no pets on the bed" rule.
Which means sleeping solo andshivering. (Yeah, yeah... I know we're cold-blooded. Just work with me on this...)

On a happier note, just hit the bank and am thrilled to say I had over 1k to deposit. Planning is a good thing. However, I find myself drinking less and less as I travel. When given the choice to rob or drink I fear my monetary greed oft outweighs my hunger. On the other hand, I seem to either have developed wonderful luck or simply a knack for staying out of harm's way, so with the humans I find so delicious I still manage to gain a little on the whole.

Things are still insanely dull in the Asylum. We have a couple of newbies though. For some insane reason I decided to play "nice" for a bit and chatted with one last night. (I must be lonely!) Nice enough sort, though perhaps in too much of a rush to find a companion. Before I even joined I had seen more nasty breakups than I care to recall, which is why I was not actually searching. Like I told her, they're vamps out there and if it's meant to be it will be. Good (though potentially crazy) things come to those who wait.

It is my fond hope that by actually talking to my fellow trainees and making nice for a bit I can figure out what turns them on, so to speak-- what will make them actually sit up and post. Another note-- I have decided to call whatever I want. Too many long names and all that. For example, just chatted with View for a bit. Perhaps not as original as the nicknames of certain more creative vamps, but it works for me.
posted by Creide at 9:52 AM

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Bored Beyond Reason... and Traumatized...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Once again I managed to get away with being irresponsible. Lost all of 20 coins and made it to the bank with over 700. Then I immediately proceeded to do the same thing again. *sigh* Distracted today, I'm afraid.

Oh yeah, I am currently somewhere between bored and exhausted.

Have not seen or heard from Oneirus in a few days, which is not surprising considering the holiday. Really wishing he would get things going in TG or at least come and entertain me though. Speaking of, I had a chat with Pandrora (Why am I so tempted to call her Panda?!)last night and she said suggested *ahem* whipping my companion into shape and the result being an extremely long post. Not sure just what sort of power she thinks I have over him... though it is true that poor Oneirus has only had a small sampling... Ah, she showed me her hideous color-changing background. I am still traumatized... can say no more on the subject. *shudder*
posted by Creide at 3:49 PM

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